
SPRoleType Enumeration

The SPRoleType enumeration specifies the type of site groups available for users and groups.


The following table shows the members of the SPRoleType enumeration, a brief description of each, and the rights that are included in the site group by default.

Name Description Rights Included
Administrator Has all rights from other site groups, plus rights to manage site groups and view usage analysis data. The Administrator site group cannot be customized or deleted, and there must always be at least one member of the Administrator site group. Members of the Administrator site group always have access to, or can grant themselves access to, any item in the Web site. All rights included in the WebDesigner site group, plus the following:
  • ManageListPermissions
  • ManageRoles
  • ManageSubwebs
  • ViewUsageData
Contributor Has Reader rights, plus rights to add, edit, and delete items, manage list permissions, manage personal views, personalize Web Part Pages, and browse directories. Contributors cannot create new lists or document libraries, but they can add content to existing lists and document libraries. All rights included in the Reader site group, plus the following:
  • AddDelPrivateWebParts
  • AddListItems
  • BrowseDirectories
  • CreatePersonalGroups
  • DeleteListItems
  • EditListItems
  • ManagePersonalViews
  • UpdatePersonalWebParts
Guest Has limited rights to view pages and specific page elements. This site group is used for giving users access to a particular page, list, or item in a list, without granting them rights to view the entire site. Users cannot be explicitly added to the Guest site group, rather users who are given access to lists or document libraries by way of per-list permissions are automatically added to the Guest site group. The Guest site group cannot be customized or deleted.
  • None
None Has no rights on the Web site.
  • None
Reader Has rights to view items, personalize Web parts, use alerts, and create their own top-level Web site using Self-Service Site Creation. Readers can only read a site; they cannot add content. Note that when a reader creates a site using Self-Service Site Creation, he or she becomes the site owner and a member of the Administrator site group for the new site. This does not affect the users site group membership for any other site.
  • CreateSSCSite
  • ViewListItems
  • ViewPages
WebDesigner Has Contributor rights, plus rights to cancel checkout, delete items, manage lists, add and customize pages, define and apply themes and borders, and link style sheets. Web Designers can modify the structure of the site and create new lists or document libraries. All rights included in the Contributor site group, plus the following:
  • AddAndCustomizePages
  • ApplyStyleSheets
  • ApplyThemeAndBorder
  • CancelCheckout
  • ManageLists


Site groups are defined per Web site. Users assigned to the Administrator site group are administrators only for a particular Web site. To perform any administrative tasks that affect settings for all Web sites and virtual servers on the server computer, a user must be an administrator for the server computer (also known as a local machine administrator) or a member of the SharePoint administrators group, rather than a member of the Administrator site group for a site.

A site group can be assigned permissions directly, while a cross-site group needs to be added to a site group in order to be assigned permissions. Cross-site groups and users can be members of site groups. For general information about site groups and security, see Security, Users, and Groups Overview.

The Administrator and Guest site groups cannot be modified or deleted.

For information about the rights that are available for site groups, see the SPRights enumeration. For information about site groups as represented in the object model, see the SPRole class.


Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint

Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Assembly: Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)

Security: Code Access Security