
List Element (List)

This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

Top-level element that contains the definition of a list.

  BaseType = "Integer" | "Text"
  Default = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  DefaultItemOpen = "Integer"
  Description = "Text"
  Direction = "Text"
  DisableAttachments = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  DraftVersionVisibility = "Integer"
  EnableContentTypes = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  EnableThumbnails = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  EventSinkAssembly = "Text"
  EventSinkClass = "Text"
  EventSinkData = "Text"
  FolderCreation = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Id = "GUID"
  ModeratedList = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  ModerationType = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Name = "Text"
  OrderedList = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  PrivateList = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  QuickLaunchUrl = "URL"
  RootWebOnly = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  ThumbnailSize = "Integer"
  Title = "Text"
  Type = "Integer"
  Url = "URL"
  URLEncode = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  VersioningEnabled = "TRUE" | "FALSE" 
  WebImageHeight = "Integer"
  WebImageWidth = "Integer">





Optional Text. The BaseType attribute can be set to Integer, which stores values as integers, or to Text (default), which stores values as text. Note that it is not possible to create integer base-type choice fields.


Optional Boolean. TRUE to specify that the list referenced in the Onet.xml file be created whenever a site is created. Otherwise, the list will not be created during site creation but will be available for later instantiation.


Optional Boolean. 1 to specify that applications which generate server transformations of items in the list open the items in a browser rather than in a separate client-side application; otherwise, 0.


Optional Text. Provides a description for the list. This attribute must be specified within a configuration in an Onet.xml file when adding a custom list definition to a site definition. The value of this attribute overrides the value contained with the DefaultDescription element of a Schema.xml file.


Required Text. Specifies the direction of the reading order for the list. Possible values include RTL (right-to-left), LTR (left-to-right), or none.


Optional Boolean. TRUE to disable attachments in the list.


Optional Integer. Specifies the rights that are required to see drafts. The following values are possible:

  • 1   Edit rights

  • 2   Approval rights

  • All other values   Read rights


Optional Boolean. TRUE to enable management of content types in lists created through the list definition.


Optional Boolean. TRUE to specify that document parsers in this list generate thumbnail files that correspond to documents that are saved to this list. This attribute only applies to document libraries.


Optional Text. This option is specified only for schemas upgraded from Windows SharePoint Services 2.0. Specifies the strong name of a file in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) that provides an event handler for document library events. For example, Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c For more information, see Walkthrough: Handling Document Library Events. This attribute has been deprecated in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.


Optional Text. Specifies the fully qualified, case-sensitive name of a class that defines an event handler for document library events in the form Namespace_Name.Class_Name. For more information, see Walkthrough: Handling Document Library Events. This attribute has been deprecated in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.


Optional Text. Contains an arbitrary string for use by an event handler for document library events. For more information, see Walkthrough: Handling Document Library Events. This attribute has been deprecated in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.


Optional Boolean. TRUE to display the New Folder command on the New menu.


Optional GUID. Specifies the GUID of the list.


Optional Boolean. TRUE to require content approval for submitted items.


Optional Boolean. TRUE to specify that the list has moderation enabled, requiring an approval process when content is created or modified.


Required Text. The internal name of a list.


Optional Boolean. TRUE to specify that the option to allow users to reorder items in the list is available on the Edit View page for the list.


Optional Boolean. TRUE to specify that the list is private.


Optional Text. Specifies the URL of the view page to open for the list through Quick Launch navigation.


Optional Boolean. TRUE to specify that the list created from the definition exists only in the root Web site of a site collection.


Optional Integer. Specifies the width of thumbnails to display in picture libraries.


Required Text. The generic display name of the list.


Optional Integer. Specifies the list template type of the list. The following values are the default list template types.

100   Generic list

101   Document library

102   Survey

103   Links list

104   Announcements list

105   Contacts list

106   Events list

107   Tasks list

108   Discussion board

109   Picture library

110   Data sources

111   Site template gallery

112   User Information list

113   Web Part gallery

114   List template gallery

115   XML Form library

116   Master pages gallery

117   No-Code Workflows

118   Custom Workflow Process

119   Wiki Page library

120   Custom grid for a list

130   Data Connection library

140   Workflow History

150   Gantt Tasks list

200   Meeting Series list

201   Meeting Agenda list

202   Meeting Attendees list

204   Meeting Decisions list

207   Meeting Objectives list

210   Meeting text box

211   Meeting Things To Bring list

212   Meeting Workspace Pages list

301   Blog Posts list

302   Blog Comments list

303   Blog Categories list

1100   Issue tracking

1200   Administrator tasks list

This attribute corresponds to the Type attribute of the ListTemplate element.


Optional Text.

Specifies the path to the root of the directory that contains the ASPX files to which the list definition applies, relative to the root URL of the Web site.


Optional Boolean. TRUE to convert special characters, such as spaces, to quoted UTF-8 format, for example, %c3%ab for character ë.


Optional Boolean. TRUE to specify within a Schema.xml file that versioning be enabled by default for document libraries created through the list definition. Setting this attribute has no effect on existing document libraries. If TRUE, versioning can still be disabled for a document library on the New Document Library page when the library is being created.


Optional Integer. Specifies the height, in pixels, of an image in a picture library.


Optional Integer. Specifies the width, in pixels, of an image in a picture library.

Child Elements

Data, MetaData

Parent Elements



Minimum: 0

Maximum: 1


When used as the root element in the schema file for a list, the List element must contain the Windows SharePoint Servicesows: namespace declaration. The following lines show the opening of a Schema.xml file for document libraries:

  xmlns:ows="Microsoft SharePoint" 
  Url="Shared Documents" 

In a list schema, the MetaData element contains the different parts of the list definition. Use an empty List element (<List />) to return the title of the current list.

In a site definition (Onet.xml), the List element does not contain a MetaData section, but it can contain a Data section through which to specify default column values for the given list type.