
StatusColumnValue Element (Workflow)

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Specifies a custom workflow status column value.






Child Elements


Parent Elements

ExtendedStatusColumnValues Element (Workflow)


Specify your custom status column values as an ordered list. Each status column value corresponds to an integer that represents its place in a 0-based ordered list of column values. Use this integer, rather than the text value you specify here, to refer to the status column value in the workflow code. This enables you to change the status column value in the workflow definition without having to recompile the workflow assembly, as well as making it possible for you to specify localizable status column values.

The first fifteen status column values are reserved for internal use. Therefore, the first status column value you specify is assigned the integer value of 15; the second status value, 16; and so on.


The following example specifies three custom workflow status column values: Canceled, Approved, and Rejected.


See Also


Workflow Deployment Using Features

Workflow Definition Schema

Other Resources

Workflows in Windows SharePoint Services