Sort Property (ModHFGrid)
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Sets a value that sorts selected rows according to selected criteria. This property is not available at design time.
object.Sort [=value]
The Sort property syntax has these parts:
Part | Description |
object | An object expression that evaluates to the ModHFGrid Control object. |
value | An integer or constant that specifies the type of sorting, as described in Settings. |
The settings for value are:
Constant | Value | Description |
flexSortNone | 0 | None. No sorting is performed. |
flexSortGenericAscending | 1 | Generic Ascending. An ascending sort, which estimates whether text is string or number, is performed. |
flexSortGenericDescending | 2 | Generic Descending. A descending sort, which estimates whether text is string or number, is performed. |
flexSortNumericAscending | 3 | Numeric Ascending. An ascending sort, which converts strings to numbers, is performed. |
flexSortNumericDescending | 4 | Numeric Descending. A descending sort, which converts strings to numbers, is performed. |
flexSortStringNoCaseAscending | 5 | String Ascending. An ascending sort using case-insensitive string comparison is performed. |
flexSortStringNoCaseDescending | 6 | String Descending. A descending sort using case-insensitive string comparison is performed. |
flexSortStringAscending | 7 | String Ascending. An ascending sort using case-sensitive string comparison is performed. |
flexSortStringDescending | 8 | String Descending. A descending sort using case-sensitive string comparison is performed. |
flexSortCustom | 9 | Custom. This uses the Compare event to compare rows. |
The Sort property always sorts entire rows. To specify the range to be sorted, set the Row and RowSel properties. If Row and RowSel are the same, the ModHFGrid will sort all non-fixed rows.
The keys used for sorting are determined by the Col and ColSel properties. Sorting always is done from left to right. For example, if Col =3 and ColSel =1, the sort is done according to the contents of columns 1, then 2, and then 3.
The method used to compare the rows is determined by the value, as explained in Settings. The 9 (Custom) setting is the most flexible but is slower than the other settings, typically by a factor of 10. An alternative to using this setting is to create an invisible column, fill it with the keys, and then perform a sort based on Custom using another setting. This is a good approach for sorts that are based on dates.
The following example uses the Sort and TextMatrix properties. It performs a ModHFGrid sort according to the value of a ComboBox control. To use the example, place a ModHFGrid control and a ComboBox control on a form. Paste the following code into the Declarations section, and then press F5.
Private Sub Combo1_Click()
' Select Column according to Sort method.
Select Case Combo1.ListIndex
Case 0 To 2
ModHFGrid1.Col =1
Case 3 To 4
ModHFGrid1.Col =2
Case 4 To 8
ModHFGrid1.Col =1
End Select
' Sort according to Combo1.ListIndex.
ModHFGrid1.Sort =Combo1.ListIndex
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
' Fill ModHFGrid with random data.
ModHFGrid1.Cols =3 ' Create three columns.
For i =1 To 11 ' Add ten items.
ModHFGrid1.AddItem ""
ModHFGrid1.Col =2
ModHFGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 1) =SomeName(i)
ModHFGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 2) =Rnd()
Next i
' Fill combo box with Sort choices
With Combo1
.AddItem "flexSortNone" ' 0
.AddItem "flexSortGenericAscending" '1
.AddItem "flexSortGenericDescending" '2
.AddItem "flexSortNumericAscending" '3
.AddItem "flexSortNumericDescending" '4
.AddItem "flexSortStringNoCaseAscending" '5
.AddItem "flexSortStringNoCaseDescending" '6
.AddItem "flexSortStringAscending" '7
.AddItem "flexSortStringDescending" '8
.ListIndex =0
End With
End Sub
Private Function SomeName(i As Integer) As String
Select Case i
Case 1
SomeName ="Ann"
Case 2
SomeName ="Glenn"
Case 3
SomeName ="Sid"
Case 4
SomeName ="Anton"
Case 5
SomeName ="Hoagie"
Case 6
SomeName ="Traut 'Trane"
Case 7
SomeName ="MereD Wah"
Case 8
SomeName ="Kemp"
Case 9
SomeName ="Sandy"
Case 10
SomeName ="Lien"
Case 11
SomeName ="Randy"
End Select
End Function
See Also
Col, Row Properties (ModHFGrid) | ColSel, RowSel Properties (ModHFGrid) | Compare Event (ModHFGrid) | ModHFGrid Control