OnExpiry Event
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Triggered based on the passage of time. For example, if an item remains at a certain state for more than a specified length of time, an event can be triggered to mark that item as overdue.
The OnExpiry event is executed after a designated amount of time has passed. The State Expires option of the Enter event sets the expiration time.
Note The expiration time is an integer multiple of the base frequency which is initialized to be 15 minutes. If an item enters a state with an OnExpiry event, the expiration time begins to count down at the next 15-minute interval. Therefore, if an item with a 15-minute expiration time enters a state at 2:10 and the interval occurs at 2:15, the item expiration time starts count down at 2:15, and the item would expire 15 minutes later at 2:30.
Each state can have multiple OnExpiry events.
If you have multiple OnExpiry events on a state, adjust the event order, so the transitions are evaluated in the order appropriate for your workflow process. An OnExpiry event that does not cause a state change always should be evaluated last.
See Also
Event Order | Exchange Workflow Reference | Event Types | ActionTable Property | OnCreate Event | OnChange Event | OnDelete Event | OnEnter Event | OnExit Event | OnReceive Event