
Item Retrieval Service

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The Item Retrieval service makes it possible for Web Parts to retrieve items such as Web Parts and dashboards from the store, even if they do not reside on the current dashboard. Then, the items can be modified the same way they are with the Part State Management service.

In This Section

  • Digital Dashboard Services Component
    The Digital Dashboard Services Component (DDSC) is a client-side component that is included in every dashboard page as a hidden object.
  • Part Discovery Service
    The Part Discovery service makes it possible for Web Parts to discover other Web Parts on a dashboard.
  • Notification Service
    Through the Notification service, Web Parts can indicate interest in an event, providing a handle to a function that will be called when the event runs.
  • Session State Management Service
    Through the Session State Management service, Web Parts can share data with other parts (even if the Web Parts are located on other dashboards) through name-value pairs associated with the browser session.
  • State Management Service
    State management is a simple but essential feature of dashboard applications. The state of a Web Part or dashboard is the combination of standard Web Part and dashboard schema properties and any user- or system-defined extensions.