
Populating Controls with User Information

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To make user directory information available in your Web pages, you can create links to a view of the user directory from within the application. You cannot create an actual relationship link between the information in the user directory and a table in your database. The user directory information in your workflow application is stored in a view called modUserList.

You can use these controls on a Web page to show user information:

Control Source property
combo-box rowsource
list-box control rowsource
drop-down list ListRowSource

Make sure you set the source property to the modUserList view, specify the SAMAccountName column in the modUserList view as the primary key, and specify the data type as nvarchar with a character length of 64.

The following is an example of how the row source for your list control might appear:


See Also

User Information for Workflow Applications | The User Directory | Maintaining the User Directory for Workflow Applications