Optimizing VBA Code
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There are many tips for optimizing your Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) code, such as streamlining your code to conserve memory resources, creating object variables when you must refer to an object more than once within a procedure, minimizing concatenation operations, and so on.
In This Section
- Declaring Variables
Streamline your memory requirements and speed up performance when you are using variables. - Mathematical Operations
Learn how to speed up operations on numbers. - String Operations
Understand how to enhance the performance of string operations. - Loops
Determine how to save resources when you are executing loops.
Related Sections
- Getting the Most Out of Visual Basic for Applications
Write code that is fast, efficient, easy to read and maintain, and, if possible, reusable by acquiring a solid working knowledge of Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) — what features the language includes and what you can do with it. - Working with Strings
Understand how to get information from strings. - Working with Numbers
Learn how to use numeric values and data types in Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA). - Working with Dates and Times
Manipulate date values in Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA), and understand how VBA stores date values internally. - Working with Files
Understand the Scripting Runtime object library, and work with drives, folders, and files as objects. - Understanding Arrays
Use arrays when you must store a number of values of the same type, but you do not want to create individual variables to store them all. - Tips for Defining Procedures in VBA
Define a Function or Sub procedure, and use the options available to you to make your code more extensible or more flexible.