

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The topics in this section provide mini-tutorials that walk you through some typical application development scenarios using Microsoft® Office XP Developer. These walkthroughs are intended to provide:

  • A guide to accomplish the primary tasks you must have in your own work.
  • Step-by-step instructions to be used as a learning exercise.
  • A means to get acquainted with Office Developer.
  • Pointers to more detailed information in other topics.

In This Section

  • Getting Started with Office Developer
    Microsoft® Office XP Developer provides everything for developers building applications with Microsoft Office XP. Office Developer includes professional productivity tools, documentation, and sample code for quickly building, managing, and deploying applications with Office and Office components.
  • Developing Office Developer Applications
    Microsoft® Office XP Developer provides the productivity tools professional developers must have to build applications faster, integration tools to make their applications work seamlessly with data and the Web, and management tools to simplify deploying and managing the applications they build with Office.
  • Using Web Technologies with Office XP
    The applications in the Microsoft® Office XP suite always have focused on making it easy to create powerful documents. However, these documents have not been always easy to share with large groups of people. In the last few years, the popularity of the Internet and corporate intranets has exploded, because they make it so easy to disseminate information to a wide audience.
  • Programming Concepts
    When you program, you store data and manipulate it with a series of instructions. The data and data storage containers are the raw materials of programming. The tools you use to manipulate this raw material are commands, functions, and operators.
  • Reference
    The Microsoft® Office XP Developer reference includes information on productivity tools and the controls, objects, properties, methods, events, statements, functions, and constants available.
  • Samples
    The Microsoft® Office XP Developer sample applications are designed to make it possible for you to see how the sample works, how it is coded, and how you can apply its features in your own applications.
  • Microsoft Office Developer Center
    For additional information and resources for Microsoft® Office developers, visit the Office Developer Web site. This Web site will be updated regularly with the latest information.