AllowBigSelection Property (ModHFGrid)
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Returns or sets a value that determines whether clicking a column or row header should cause the entire column or row to be selected.
object.AllowBigSelection [=Boolean]
The AllowBigSelection property syntax has these parts:
Part | Description |
object | An object expression that evaluates to the ModHFGrid Control object. |
Boolean | A Boolean expression that specifies whether an entire column or row is selected when the header is clicked. |
The settings for Boolean are:
Setting | Description |
True | Default. When the user clicks the header, the entire column or row is selected. |
False | When the user clicks the header, only the header is selected. |
The following code example makes it possible for an entire column or row to be selected when the user clicks the header.
Sub Form1_Load ()
ModHFGrid1.AllowBigSelection =True
End Sub