
Categories Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Represents the collection of Category objects that define the Master Category List for a namespace.

The Categories type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Application Returns an Application object that represents the parent Outlook application for the object. Read-only. (Inherited from _Categories.)
Public property Class Returns an OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class. Read-only. (Inherited from _Categories.)
Public property Count Returns an Integer (int in C#) value indicating the count of Category objects in the specified collection. Read-only. (Inherited from _Categories.)
Public property Item Returns an Category object from the collection. (Inherited from _Categories.)
Public property Parent Returns the parent Object of the specified object. Read-only. (Inherited from _Categories.)
Public property Session Returns the NameSpace object for the current session. Read-only. (Inherited from _Categories.)



  Name Description
Public method Add Creates a new Category object and appends it to the Categories collection. (Inherited from _Categories.)
Public method Remove Removes an object from the collection. (Inherited from _Categories.)


See Also


Categories Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook Namespace