
Shape.TransformXYFrom Method

Visio Automation Reference

Transforms a point expressed in the local coordinate system of one Shape object from an equivalent point expressed in the local coordinate system of another Shape object.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Visio 2002


expression.TransformXYFrom(OtherShape, x, y, xprime, yprime)

expression   A variable that represents a Shape object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
OtherShape Required [IVSHAPE] An expression that returns a Shape object whose local coordinate system you are transforming the point from.
x Required Double x-coordinate corresponding to x in the OtherShape coordinate system.
y Required Double y-coordinate corresponding to y in the OtherShape coordinate system.
xprime Required Double x-coordinate in coordinate system of object.
yprime Required Double y-coordinate in coordinate system of object.

Return Value


The points x, y, xprime, and yprime are all treated as internal drawing units.

An exception is raised if object is not a Shape object of a Page or Master object, or if OtherShape is not in the same Page or Master object as object.

See Also