
UIObject Object

Visio Automation Reference

Represents a set of Microsoft Office Visio menus, toolbars, and accelerators, from either the built-in Visio user interface or a customized version of it.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Visio 4.0


To retrieve a UIObject object that contains

  • Visio menus and accelerators, use the BuiltInMenus property of an Application object and then the MenuSets or AccelTables collections of the UIObject object returned from the BuiltInMenus property.
  • Visio toolbars, use the BuiltInToolbars property of an Application object and then the ToolbarSets collection of the UIObject object returned from the BuiltInToolbars property.

If an Application object or Document object has a customized user interface, use the CustomMenus or CustomToolbars properties to retrieve UIObject objects that represent these.

A UIObject object can be stored in a file and loaded into Visio. Use the SaveToFile method to save the object and the LoadFromFile method to load it, or set the CustomMenusFile or CustomToolbarsFile property of an Application object or Document object to the name of the stored user interface file.

Beginning with Visio 2002, a program can manipulate menus and toolbars in the Visio user interface by manipulating the CommandBars collection returned by the CommandBars property. The CommandBars collection has an interface identical to the CommandBars collection exposed by the suite of Microsoft Office System applications such as Microsoft Office Word and Microsoft Office Excel. Consequently, programs can manipulate the Visio menus and toolbars by using either the CommandBars collection or UIObject objects.

See Also