Document.SnapExtensions Property
Visio Automation Reference |
Determines the shape extensions that are active in a document. Read/write.
Version Information
Version Added: Visio 2002
expression A variable that represents a Document object.
Return Value
You can also set this value by checking options in the Shape extension options box on the Advanced tab of the Snap & Glue dialog box (on the Tools menu click Snap & Glue).
The SnapExtensions property can be any combination of the following VisSnapExtensions constants, which are declared in the Visio type library. The default is to show center axes and linear extensions, &H22 (34).
Constant | Value |
visSnapExtNone |
&H0 |
visSnapExtAlignmentBoxExtension |
&H1 |
visSnapExtCenterAxes |
&H2 |
visSnapExtCurveTangent |
&H4 |
visSnapExtEndpoint |
&H8 |
visSnapExtMidpoint |
&H10 |
visSnapExtLinearExtension |
&H20 |
visSnapExtCurveExtension |
&H40 |
visSnapExtEndpointPerpendicular |
&H80 |
visSnapExtMidpointPerpendicular |
&H100 |
visSnapExtEndpointHorizontal |
&H200 |
visSnapExtEndpointVertical |
&H400 |
visSnapExtEllipseCenter |
&H800 |
visSnapExtIsometricAngles |
&H1000 |
See Also