
Shape.AddHyperlink Method

Visio Automation Reference

Adds a Hyperlink object to a Microsoft Office Visio shape.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Visio 5.0



expression   A variable that represents a Shape object.

Return Value


Using the AddHyperlink method is equivalent to adding a hyperlink to a shape by clicking Hyperlinks on the Insert menu.

If a Hyperlink object already exists for the shape, the method returns a reference to the existing Hyperlink object.


This example shows how to use the AddHyperlink method to add a hyperlink to a shape. It also shows how to trap errors that arise when you try to access nonexistent hyperlinks. It first attempts to access a hyperlink that does not exist, thereby throwing an error. Then it adds the hyperlink, and when it attempts to access the hyperlink a second time, no error is thrown. Before running this example, replace address with a valid Internet or intranet address.

Visual Basic for Applications
Sub AddHyperlink_Example() 
Dim vsoShape As Visio.Shape 
Dim vsoHyperlink As Visio.Hyperlink 
Dim blsCaught As Boolean

'Draw a rectangle shape on the active page.
Set vsoShape = ActivePage.DrawRectangle(1, 2, 2, 1) 

'A shape that has no hyperlink should raise an exception
'when the Hyperlink property is accessed.
On Error GoTo lblCatch

blsCaught = False
Set vsoHyperlink = vsoShape.Hyperlink 

If Not blsCaught Then
   Debug.Print "ERROR - Hyperlink didn't throw an exception!" 
End If  

'Add a hyperlink to a shape.
Set vsoHyperlink = vsoShape.AddHyperlink 

'Return an absolute address.
vsoHyperlink.Address = "<em>address</em>" 

Exit Sub  
    Debug.Print "Error was thrown : " &amp; Err.Description 
    blsCaught = True
    Resume Next 

End Sub

See Also