
Application.FileConverters Property

Excel Developer Reference

Returns information about installed file converters. Returns null if there are no converters installed. Read-only Variant.


expression.FileConverters(Index1, Index2)

expression   A variable that represents an Application object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Index1 Optional Variant The long name of the converter, including the file-type search string in Windows (for example, "Lotus 1-2-3 Files (*.wk*)").
Index2 Optional Variant The path of the converter DLL or code resource.


If you don’t specify the index arguments, this property returns an array that containing information about all the installed file converters. Each row in the array contains information about a single file converter, as shown in the following table.

Column Contents
1 The long name of the converter
2 The path of the converter DLL or code resource
3 The file-extension search string


This example displays a message if the Multiplan file converter is installed.

Visual Basic for Applications
  installedCvts = Application.FileConverters
foundMultiplan = False
If Not IsNull(installedCvts) Then
    For arrayRow = 1 To UBound(installedCvts, 1)
        If installedCvts(arrayRow, 1) Like "*Multiplan*" Then
            foundMultiplan = True
            Exit For
        End If
    Next arrayRow
End If
If foundMultiplan = True Then
    MsgBox "Multiplan converter is installed"
    MsgBox "Multiplan converter is not installed"
End If

See Also