
VisAutoLinkFieldTypes Constants

Visio Automation Reference

Constants passed to the Selection.AutomaticLink method, specifying the shape data (custom property) field to which to link shapes.

Aa342206.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
This Visio object or member is available only to licensed users of Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2007.
Name Value Description
visAutoLinkCustPropsLabel 2 Field is label for shape data (custom property); field name is label and is required.
visAutoLinkGeometryAngle 4 Field is angle in shape geometry.
visAutoLinkGeometryHeight 6 Field is height of shape.
visAutoLinkGeometryWidth 5 Field is width of shape.
visAutoLinkMasterName 8 Field is local name of the master for the shape.
visAutoLinkMasterNameU 16 Field is universal name of the master for the shape.
visAutoLinkObjectData1 11 Field is Data1 property of Shape object.
visAutoLinkObjectData2 12 Field is Data2 property of Shape object.
visAutoLinkObjectData3 13 Field is Data3 property of Shape object.
visAutoLinkObjectID 7 Field is ID of the shape .
visAutoLinkObjectName 9 Field is local name of the shape.
visAutoLinkObjectNameU 17 Field is universal name of the shape.
visAutoLinkObjectType 10 Field is type of shape object.
visAutoLinkPropRowNameU 14 Field is universal property-row name; field name is Cell.RowNameU and is required.
visAutoLinkShapeText 1 Field is shape text.
visAutoLinkUserRowName 3 Field is user-defined cell local row name; field name is Cell.RowName and is required.
visAutoLinkUserRowNameU 15 Field is universal user-defined cell row name; field name is Cell.RowNameU and is required.