
Event.SetFilterActions Method

Visio Automation Reference

Specifies the extensions to the MouseMove event that Visio reports.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Visio 2007



expression   An expression that returns a Event object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
filterActionStream() Required Long An array of action/value pairs. For more information, see Remarks.

Return Value


The SetFilterActions method provides a way of ignoring selected extensions of the MouseMove event based on extension type. Extension types are based on mouse actions that are part of a drag and drop operation, as shown in the table below. By default, Visio reports firings of all event extensions.

The filterActionStream parameter is an array defined in the following way. The number of elements in filterActionStream is a multiple of 3:

  • The first element contains the beginning mouse action (MouseMove event extension) of the range (any member of VisFilterActions ).
  • The second element contains the end mouse action (MouseMove event extension) of the range (any member of VisFilterActions whose value is higher than that of the first element ).
  • The third element contains a True or False value indicating whether you want to listen to events for that action range (True to listen to events of a certain sub-type, or MouseMove event extension; False to exclude an event sub-type).

The filter actions that you can place in the first and second array elements of each element triplet are defined in the VisFilterActions enumeration, which is declared in the Visio type library, and shown in the following table.

Constant Value Description



Filter the DragBegin extension of the MouseMove event.



Filter the DragDrop extension of the MouseMove event.



Filter the DragEnter extension of the MouseMove event.



Filter the DragLeave extension of the MouseMove event.



Filter the DragOver extension of the MouseMove event.



Do not filter any extensions of the MouseMove event.

For example, if you want to listen to all MouseEvent extensions except the DragOver event extension, you can build an array like the following:

Visual Basic for Applications
  Dim alngFilterActions(1 to 1 * 3) As Long 
    alngFilterActions(1) = visFilterMouseMoveDragDrop 
    alngFilterActions(2) = visFilterMouseMoveDragDrop 
    alngFilterActions(3) = False

Or, to listen only to the DragEnter event extension, ignoring mouse actions that come before and after, set up an array like the following:

Visual Basic for Applications
  Dim alngFilterActions(1 To (3 * 3)) As Long 
'Listen to the "DragEnter" mouse action. 
alngFilterActions(1) = visFilterMouseMoveDragEnter 
alngFilterActions(2) = visFilterMouseMoveDragEnter  
alngFilterActions(3) = True 

'Ignore any mouse actions before "DragEnter."  
alngFilterActions(4) = visFilterMouseMoveDragBegin 
alngFilterActions(5) = visFilterMouseMoveDragEnter  - 1 
alngFilterActions(6) = False 

'Ignore any mouse actions after "DragEnter."  
alngFilterActions(7) = visFilterMouseMoveDragEnter + 1 
alngFilterActions(8) = visFilterMouseMoveDragDrop 
alngFilterActions(9) = False

Note that mouse actions that occupy the second position in an array-element triplet must always be later in the sequence (that is, higher in value) than those that occupy the first position in an array-element triplet.

See Also