
GraphicItems.AddCopy Method

Visio Automation Reference

Adds a copy of a GraphicItem object to the GraphicItems collection of a Master object of type visTypeDataGraphic.

Aa342068.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
This Visio object or member is available only to licensed users of Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2007.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Visio 2007



expression   An expression that returns a GraphicItems object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
GraphicItem Required [IVGRAPHICITEM] The GraphicItem object to copy.

Return Value


The GraphicItem object you want to add must already exist in the GraphicItems collection of another Master object of type visTypeDataGraphic.

After you use the Master.Open to open a copy of a Master object of type visTypeDataGraphic for editing, you must use the Master.Close method to commit any changes you made to the master while it was open. Closing a copy of a data-graphic master also reapplies the data graphic to all shapes to which it was previously applied.

Aa342068.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
For more information about why it is necessary to edit a copy of a master instead of the master itself, see Master.Open.


The following Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro shows how to use the AddCopy method to add a copy of an existing data-graphic item to the GraphicItems collection of a Master object.

The macro uses the Masters.AddEx method to add a new Master object of type visTypeDataGraphic to the Masters collection of the active document. Then, it uses the Master.Open method to get a copy of the new data graphic master to edit.

Next, the method gets a copy of an existing data-graphic item that is the first item in the GraphicItems collection of an existing master. Finally, it uses the AddCopy method to add the copy of the existing data-graphic item to the GraphicItems collection of the copy of the new master, and then closes the master copy.

The macro assumes that you know the name of the existing data-graphic master ("old_master_name") that contains one or more graphic items you want to add to the new master. You can determine the name of an existing data graphic master by moving your mouse over the master in the Data Graphics task pane in the Visio user interface.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Public Sub AddCopy_Example()
Dim vsoMaster As Visio.Master
Dim vsoMasterCopy As Visio.Master
Dim vsoMaster_Old As Visio.Master
Dim vsoGraphicItem As GraphicItem
Dim vsoGraphicItem_Old As Visio.GraphicItem

Set vsoMaster = Visio.ActiveDocument.Masters.AddEx(visTypeDataGraphic)
Set vsoMasterCopy = vsoMaster.Open
Set vsoMaster_Old = ActiveDocument.Masters("<em>old_master_name</em>")
Set vsoGraphicItem_Old = vsoMaster_Old.GraphicItems(1)
Set vsoGraphicItem = vsoMasterCopy.GraphicItems.AddCopy(vsoGraphicItem_Old)

End Sub

See Also