Snooze Method
Delays the reminder by a specified time. This is equivalent to the user clicking the Snooze button.
*expression * Required. An expression that returns a **Reminder**object.
SnoozeTime Optional Variant. Indicates the amount of time (in minutes) to delay the reminder. The default value is 5 minutes.
This method will fail if the current reminder is not active.
The following Microsoft Visual Basic/Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example delays all active reminders by a specified amount of time.
Sub SnoozeReminders()
'Delays all reminders by a specified amount of time
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objRems As Outlook.Reminders
Dim objRem As Outlook.Reminder
Dim varTime As Variant
Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
Set objRems = olApp.Reminders
varTime = InputBox("Type the number of minutes to delay")
For Each objRem In objRems
If objRem.IsVisible = True Then
objRem.Snooze (varTime)
End If
Next objRem
End Sub
Applies to | Reminder Object
See Also | Dismiss Method | Snooze Method