
ListMeetings Message

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Lists meetings matching specified criteria in a conference center.


Component Type

XML Element






A caller must be a member of the Administrator or Organizer role. With Live Meeting 2007, you are no longer restricted to a limited number of ListMeetings response elements. If a ListMeetings request generates a response with too many meetings, the server paginates the meeting response. Initially, you receive a page of meetings in a ListMeetingsReply element followed by an InfoWarnFaultList element indicating the number of additional pages of response data.


Example 1: Listing All the Meetings Held in a Given Time Period

The following example shows how to list all meetings held during July, 2000. It is intended to show the usage of the TimeIntervalQuery element. The time period is specified in a TimeIntervalQuery element. For each meeting, it would be a good idea to include the meeting name, the mid value, the time the meeting is deleted, the audience access control list, and the meeting password for presenters in the list of returned meeting options. The returned meeting option list is specified in the FieldList element.


The pageSize attribute indicates that 10 meeting objects are to be returned in each page of data, starting with the first page as indicated by the pageNum attribute. Server-based pagination of results can only occur when these attributes are set.

The following shows a request sent to a conference center.

<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$w0rd">
  <ListMeetingsRequest listDeleted="True" pageSize="10" pageNum="1">
    <TimeIntervalQuery fieldName="startTime">
      <TimeInterval startTime="2000-07-01T00:00:00Z"

Note that the endTime value is the beginning of August. This is because TimeIntervalQuery uses a half-open interval. This query searches for all meetings that have a startTime greater than or equal to the startTimeand less than the endTimedefined in the TimeInterval element.

The following shows the reply returned from the conference center. The request specified 10 meetings per result page. In this example, the complete set of meeting results are contained in a single page. No pagination was necessary.

        <StringOption name="name" value="t"/>
        <StringOption name="mid" value="1wwfpczivu8ph"/>
        <StringListOption name="audienceACL">
        <StringOption name="presenterPassword" value="114128"/>
        <StringOption name="name" value="Beta Demo"/>
        <StringOption name="mid" value="etaxu0fri8ny"/>
        <TimeOption name="removeTime" value="2001-04-01T00:00:00Z"/>

Note that the meeting named Beta Demo is deleted because the removeTime option is present. The deleted meetings no longer have audience or presenter passwords or access control lists, which is why Beta Demo has no presenterPassword option.

Finding the Meeting Name Given the mid

The following example shows how to find the name of a meeting given the mid value. It is intended to show the usage of the StringQuery element.

The following shows a request sent to a conference center.

<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$w0rd">
  <ListMeetingsRequest listDeleted="False">
    <StringQuery fieldName="mid" operator="=" value="oi7pv2bbz8eq"/>

The following shows a reply returned from the conference center.

        <StringOption name="name" value="bug tracking"/>

Listing Easy Assist Sessions

The following example gets the Easy Assist sessions whose owner is Jay Adams (jaya). Easy Assist sessions that have been deleted are not returned in the reply.

<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$w0rd">
  <ListMeetingsRequest listDeleted="False">
    <StringQuery tag="_EA" fieldName="owner" operator="=" value="jaya"/>

The following shows a reply returned from the conference center.

        <StringOption name="name" value="Contoso Support Issue 1"/>

See Also


ListMeetingsRequest Element

ListMeetingsReply Element