
What's New?

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The following lists show changes and enhancements that are available in the Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007.

New Features

Personal Recording

This feature allows you to configure a meeting to allow attendees and presenters to make personal recordings of meetings they attend. With this feature, you can also disable personal recordings for the attendee and presenter but allow the meeting organizer or administrator to record the meeting. Default values for this feature are set at the user level. Each meeting that a user creates has the default values set with the CreateUserRequest or ModifyUserRequest element. This feature is supported by new options in the CreateMeetingRequest Element Element and CreateUserRequest Element Element operational messages.

Meeting Restoration

Prior to this release of Live Meeting, a meeting that had been deleted with a DeleteMeetingRequest Element operational message could not be restored. The lack of a restoration feature meant that a meeting accidentally deleted had to be recreated from scratch—any slides or other content had to be uploaded again, meeting options configured again, and attendees invited to the new replacement meeting.

With the Meeting Restoration feature, you can restore a meeting after a previous deletion. The restored meeting does not require reconfiguring or any other work to make it fully functional. The DeleteMeetingRequest message has a new attribute that can be used by the account administrator to permanently remove a restorable meeting. Only the account administrator can issue the RestoreMeetingRequest. To support the restoration of a meeting, the RestoreMeetingRequest Element operational message has been added to the Live Meeting service API. For more information, see Maintaining Meetings and Recordings.

The restorableOnly attribute has been added to the ListMeetingsRequest Element and ListRecordings4Request Element elements to support the filtering of meeting/recording queries based on whether the meeting/recording is in a restorable state.

Recording Download Access

The new onlyOwnerCanDownload Boolean option provides a programmatic way for users to change the download access level for a recording. Before this option was introduced, users had to manually enter Live Meeting Manager, visit the recording detail page, and select one of the two options to specify who could download the recording.

Recording Restoration

You can now restore a meeting recording that had previously been deleted or expired. The Recording Restoration feature should be turned on for an account for a manually deleted or expired recording to be restored within a fixed restoration buffer period. Only the account administrator can issue the RestoreRecording request. For more information, see the RestoreRecordingRequest Element and DeleteRecordingRequest Element operational messages. For a more complete discussion, see Maintaining Meetings and Recordings.

The restorableOnly attribute has been added to the ListMeetingsRequest Element and ListRecordings4Request Element elements to support the filtering of meeting/recording queries based on whether the meeting/recording is in a restorable state

Recording Expiration

You can automatically expire meeting recordings in Live Meeting. With this feature, an administrator can manage disk space usage on the server that stores meeting recordings. A meeting recording is automatically expired if an expiration date is set for it. The administrator can restore it within a certain period of time, which is determined by product edition and account level policy. Each user who can create a meeting has default recording expiration options that are applied to every meeting the user creates. If a recording expiration policy is set at the user level for every user, all further meeting recordings created are automatically expired when the expiration date is reached according to the set recording expiration policy. For more information, see CreateMeetingRequest Element, CreateUserRequest Element, and RestoreRecordingRequest Element.

This new feature allows a client application to see the customized link values set in Live Meeting Manager using the GetCustomizedLinksReply Element operational message response. With this feature, applications can access conference center specific links for support, help, and download links.

Recurring Meeting Scheduling

With Live Meeting, you can schedule meetings that recur over a period of time. The meetings can be scheduled on a daily basis for a range of days or on a weekly basis. In the past, each meeting had to be scheduled with an individual CreateMeetingRequest Element element. This required much more of the user's time and created a great deal of additional network traffic. To learn about the new options added to support this feature, see Scheduling a Meeting and CreateMeetingRequest Element.

Meeting Audio Using VoIP or PSTN

With Live Meeting you can broadcast meeting audio through a Webcam microphone or telephone handset using either telephone conferencing (PSTN) or computer conferencing (VoIP). This new feature is configured at the user level. Each new meeting that a user creates uses default meeting audio settings from the user's configuration settings. User profile options have been added to allow an administrator to control a user’s ability to use VoiP in a meeting. To review the details of this feature, see the CreateMeetingRequest Element option and the CreateUserRequest Element.

List Meeting Query Results Pagination

With this new feature, the user can specify a pagination scheme to return the results of a ListMeetingsRequest Element operational message. For conference centers with many scheduled meetings, a ListMeetingsRequest message can return a very large and unwieldy result set. You can now specify the number of meetings to return on a page of data as well as the page number to return. For more information, see ListMeetingsRequest Element.

High Fidelity Meeting Recording Format

A new recording format (High Fidelity Presentation) has been added to enhance the recording of meeting audio. The Basic Format used in previous versions of Live Meeting is deprecated. Several operational messages are updated to support the new recording format. For more information, see GetConferencingServiceData7Reply Element and GetURLRequest Element.

To support the new Live Meeting functionality, new operational messages, element attributes, and option values are added to the API.

Support for Easy Assist

Live Meeting 2007 Professional, Service Release 3 adds support for Easy Assist. Easy Assist is a remote support client that uses the Live Meeting service for a support agent to remotely access a user’s desktop for trouble-shooting purposes. This remote access takes place in a special Live Meeting session, namely, an Easy Assist session. The Easy Assist session differs from the regular Live Meeting session in that Easy Assist sessions have different tag attributes, support somewhat different functionalities, and provide somewhat different user experiences. An Easy Assist session supports a small subset of the regular meeting options; and a few special options, including a new user option, were added just for Easy Assist. As with the regular Live Meeting session, an Easy Assist session can be created and managed using the Live Meeting Service API. In creating an Easy Assist session, a client can set the new meeting option to specify an e-mail address to receive the session summary when the Easy Assist session finishes. For more information, see Scheduling a Meeting and Easy Assist Sessions.

Administrator Control of Extended Registration

This feature is added in Service Release 5. The feature provides Live Meeting Administrators with the ability to set an Extended Registration policy at the Conference Center level. When Extended Registration is required for meetings scheduled on a Conference Center, all attendees must provide an e-mail address and company name to gain entry to the meeting. Easy Assist sessions are exempt from an Extended Registration policy requirement.

Meeting Lobby Bypass for Office Communicator Users

This feature is added in Service Release 5. Meeting Lobby Bypass benefits Office Communicator users who are invited to Live Meeting Service meetings from a chat window. The feature gives a meeting presenter the ability to allow invited attendees to bypass the meeting lobby and enter a meeting directly. An administrator can set a Meeting Lobby Bypass policy for a Conference Center and provide a default user name that appears in a meeting roster for attendees who bypassed the meeting lobby.

This feature is overridden by the Extended Registration policy and can only be enforced when Extended Registration is not required.

Meeting Organizer Electronic Privacy Settings

This feature is added in Service Release 5. With this feature, an Administrator can restrict the meeting content modalities available to a meeting organizer on a Conference Center. An Administrator can set default modality restrictions that apply to any new user created on a Conference Center.

Electronic privacy can be assured when the following modalities are disabled:

  • Annotations

  • Chat

  • Handouts

  • Question and Answer

  • Shared notes

  • Text pages

  • Whiteboard


Licensed modality features that are configured at the Conference Center level cannot be overridden by enabling an unlicensed modality for a meeting organizer.

New Elements

New child elements of the PlaceWareConfCenter Element element:

Suggested Message Usage

Starting with Live Meeting 2005, the Live Meeting SDK includes three new messages that should be used to create request messages instead of the prior version of each message. The older messages are not deprecated but a best practice is to use the newer messages. The following table lists the older message and the newer message that should be used instead.

Previous XML Element

Suggested XML Element

GetUser Message

GetUser7 Message

GetUserProfile Message

GetUserProfile7 Message

GetConferencingServiceData Message

GetConferencingServiceData7 Message

Live Meeting conference centers hosted by Microsoft Online restrict the use of user management related messages. In addition, this scenario requires a custom client implementing the Live Meeting service 2007 API to include an authentication ticket with every request passed to the conference center. Microsoft Online imposes restrictions on the following user-management messages.

For information about authentication tickets and message restrictions, see Using the Live Meeting API with Microsoft Online-Hosted Live Meeting Service.

New Attributes and Options

XML Element

Attribute and Option

CreateMeetingRequest Element

  • easyAssistSummaryMailId (Service Release 3)

  • enableAudioVOIP

  • enablePersonalRecordingAttendee

  • enablePersonalRecordingPresenter

  • enableRecordingExpiration

  • recordingExpirationTimeAmount

  • recordingExpirationTimeType

  • recurrencePatternDaily

  • recurrencePatternWeekly

  • recurrenceRangeStart

  • recurrenceRangeEnd

  • status

  • tag

  • tagId

CreateUserRequest Element

  • audioVOIPPrivilege (Service Release 4)

  • audioBroadcastPrivilege (Service Release 4)

  • easyAssistEnabled (Service Release 3)

  • easyAssistSummaryMailId (Service Release 3)

  • ecrAnnotationsPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrChatPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrHandoutsPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrQAPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrSharednotesPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrTextpagePrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrWhiteboardPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • enableAudioVOIP

  • enablePersonalRecordingAttendee

  • enablePersonalRecordingPresenter

  • enableRecordingExpiration

  • allowVideoEnable

  • personalRecordingPrivilege

  • recordingExpirationTimeAmount

  • recordingExpirationTimeType

DeleteMeetingRequest Element

  • erase

  • StringListQuery

DeleteRecordingRequest Element

  • erase

DeleteUserRequest Element

  • transferRecordingOwnership

GetConferencingServiceData7Reply Element

  • allowedFileExtensions

  • allowEnableAudioVOIP

  • allowFastLobbyJoin (Service Release 5)

  • allowVideoEnable

  • ecrAnnotationsPrivilegeDefault (Service Release 5)

  • ecrChatPrivilegeDefault (Service Release 5)

  • ecrHandoutsPrivilegeDefault (Service Release 5)

  • ecrQAPrivilegeDefault (Service Release 5)

  • ecrSharednotesPrivilegeDefault (Service Release 5)

  • ecrTextpagePrivilegeDefault (Service Release 5)

  • ecrWhiteboardPrivilegeDefault (Service Release 5)

  • enableFileTransfer

  • enableVideo

  • fastLobbyStaticUsername (Service Release 5)

  • forceExtendedRegistration (Service Release 5)

  • personalRecordingEnabled

  • publishHFF

  • publishHFFUserDefault

  • recordingExpirationEnabled

  • recordingExpirationTimeAmount

  • recordingExpirationTimeType

  • restorationEnabled

  • syncIntervalMeeting

  • syncIntervalUser

  • syncIntervalCC

GetCustomizedLinksReply Element

  • easyAssistJoinLink (Service Release 3)

  • checkYourSystem

  • checkYourSystemLink

  • Copyright

  • download

  • downloadLink

  • help

  • helpLink

  • joinMeeting

  • login

  • loginLink

  • myHome

  • support

  • supportLink

  • termOfService

  • termOfServiceLink

  • viewRecording

GetUser7Reply Element

  • audioVOIPPrivilege (Service Release 4)

  • audioBroadcastPrivilege (Service Release 4)

  • ecrAnnotationsPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrChatPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrHandoutsPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrQAPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrSharednotesPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrTextpagePrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrWhiteboardPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • linesPerPage

GetUserProfile7Reply Element

  • audioVOIPPrivilege (Service Release 4)

  • audioBroadcastPrivilege (Service Release 4)

ListMeetingsRequest Element

  • restorableOnly

  • pageSize

  • pageNum

  • StringListQuery

ListRecordings4Request Element

  • restorableOnly

MeetingReply Element

  • easyAssistJoinLink (Service Release 3)

  • easyAssistSummaryMailId (Service Release 3)

  • enableAudioVOIP

  • enablePersonalRecordingAttendee

  • enablePersonalRecordingPresenter

  • enableRecordingExpiration

  • recordingExpirationTimeAmount

  • recordingExpirationTimeType

  • recurrencePatternDaily

  • recurrencePatternWeekly

  • recurrenceRangeStart

  • recurrenceRangeEnd

  • status

  • tag

  • tagId

ModifyMeetingRequest Element

  • easyAssistSummaryMailId (Service Release 3)

  • enableAudioVOIP

  • enablePersonalRecordingAttendee

  • enablePersonalRecordingPresenter

  • enableRecordingExpiration

  • recordingExpirationTimeAmount

  • recordingExpirationTimeType

  • recurrencePatternDaily

  • recurrencePatternWeekly

  • recurrenceRangeStart

  • recurrenceRangeEnd

  • status

  • recurrencePattern and meetingType can be modified

ModifyMeetingRequest Element

  • easyAssistSummaryMailId (Service Release 3)

  • enableAudioVOIP

  • enablePersonalRecordingAttendee

  • enablePersonalRecordingPresenter

  • enableRecordingExpiration

  • recordingExpirationTimeAmount

  • recordingExpirationTimeType

  • recurrencePatternDaily

  • recurrencePatternWeekly

  • recurrenceRangeStart

  • recurrenceRangeEnd

  • status

  • recurrencePattern and meetingType can be modified

ModifyRecordingRequest Element

  • enableRecordingExpiration

  • onlyOwnerCanDownload

  • recordingExpirationTimeAmount

  • recordingExpirationTimeType

ModifyUserRequest Element

  • audioVOIPPrivilege (Service Release 4)

  • audioBroadcastPrivilege (Service Release 4)

  • easyAssistEnabled (Service Release 3)

  • easyAssistSummaryMailId (Service Release 3)

  • ecrAnnotationsPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrChatPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrHandoutsPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrQAPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrSharednotesPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrTextpagePrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrWhiteboardPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • enableAudioVOIP

  • enablePersonalRecordingAttendee

  • enablePersonalRecordingPresenter

  • enableRecordingExpiration

  • allowVideoEnable

  • personalRecordingPrivilege

  • recordingExpirationTimeAmount

  • recordingExpirationTimeType

ModifyUserProfileRequest Element

  • easyAssistEnabled (Service Release 3)

  • easyAssistSummaryMailId (Service Release 3)

  • enableAudioVOIP

  • enablePersonalRecordingAttendee

  • enablePersonalRecordingPresenter

  • enableRecordingExpiration

  • recordingExpirationTimeAmount

  • recordingExpirationTimeType

Recording4 Element

  • enableRecordingExpiration

  • onlyOwnerCanDownload

  • recordingExpirationTimeAmount

  • recordingExpirationTimeType

  • status

SetConferencingServiceDataRequest Element

  • allowVideoEnable

  • allowFastLobbyJoin (Service Release 5)

  • fastLobbyStaticUsername (Service Release 5)

  • forceExtendedRegistration (Service Release 5)

StringQuery Element

  • tag

StringListQuery Element

  • tag

TimeIntervalQuery Element

  • tag

New User Options

XML Element

User Option

User Element

  • audioVOIPPrivilege (Service Release 4)

  • audioBroadcastPrivilege (Service Release 4)

  • easyAssistEnabled (Service Release 3)

  • easyAssistSummaryMailId (Service Release 3)

  • ecrAnnotationsPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrChatPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrHandoutsPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrQAPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrSharednotesPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrTextpagePrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • ecrWhiteboardPrivilege (Service Release 5)

  • enableAudioVOIP

  • allowVideoEnable

  • linesPerPage

  • personalRecordingPrivilege

Different Functionality

  • The deleteContentAfterMeetingEnds option, when set to True with the CreateMeetingRequest, ModifyMeetingRequest, CreateUserRequest, ModifyUserRequest, and ModifyUserProfileRequest elements, deletes meeting content. The meeting content is not restorable.

  • deleteContentTimeType and deleteContentTimeAmount work in conjunction to define the length of time after a meeting ends before the meeting and contents are deleted.

  • enforceContentDelete, contentDeleteTimeAmount, and contentDeleteTimeType now refer to the deletion of meeting content. These options are returned by GetConferencingServiceData7Reply.

  • When a user is deleted using DeleteUserRequest Element, all of that user's meetings and recordings are permanently deleted. The restore meeting and recording requests cannot be used to restore the user's meetings and recordings.

See Also


Live Meeting service API Terms and Concepts