
IWorkflowMessage Interface

IWorkflowMessage Interface

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release. Supports authoring of restricted workflow scripts.





Type Library

Microsoft CDO Workflow Objects for Microsoft Exchange

DLL Implemented In


Member Summary

The following table lists the properties of the IWorkflowMessage interface.

Name Description
Attachments The Attachments property specifies the collection of attachments for this message. This property is read-only.
AutoGenerateTextBody Indicates whether the TextBody of a message should automatically be generated from the contents of the HTMLBody property for a multipart/alternative message.
BCC The blind carbon copy (Bcc) recipients for this message.
BodyPart The IBodyPart interface on this object. This property is read-only.
CC The informational carbon copy (Cc) recipients for this message.
Configuration The Configuration object for the message.
EnvelopeFields The SMTP and Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) envelope fields of the message. This property is read-only.
Fields The Fields collection for the object. This property is read-only.
FollowUpTo The newsgroups to which any responses to this message should be posted.
From The e-mail addresses of the principal author or authors of this message.
HTMLBody The HTML representation of the message.
HTMLBodyPart The BodyPart object containing the HTML representation of the message. This property is read-only.
Keywords A list of keywords for this message.
MimeFormatted Indicates whether or not this message is to be formatted using the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) formatting scheme.
Newsgroups The newsgroup recipients for the message.
Organization Contains a description of the organization to which the sender belongs.
ReceivedTime The date/time this message was delivered to the server. This property is read-only.
ReplyTo The address to which replies should be sent.
Sender The address of the user or agent that actually submits the message.
SentOn The date/time this message was submitted to the server. This property is read-only.
Subject The subject of the message.
TextBody The plain text representation of the body of this message.
TextBodyPart Returns a body part object containing the text content of this message. This property is read-only.
To Contains a list of principal (To) recipients for this message.

The following table lists the methods of the IWorkflowMessage interface.

Name Description
AddAttachment Adds an attachment to this message.
AddRelatedBodyPart The AddRelatedBodyPart method adds a BodyPart object that is referenced by content in the HTML body of the message.
CreateMHTMLBody The CreateMHTMLBody method converts the contents of an entire Web page into a MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate HTML Documents (MHTML) formatted message body.
GetStream The GetStream method returns this message in serialized (wire-transport) format in a Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) Stream object.
Post The Post method posts this message to the specified newsgroups.
Send The Send method sends the message.
SendWorkflowMessage Provides a method to send messages that support response tracking, MAPI properties, and transactional e-mail.


IWorkflowMessage contains a subset of the Component Object Model (COM) class CDO.Message. It does not support all the methods and properties of the IMessage Interface for security reasons. IWorkflowMessage forwards calls to common methods and properties to the IMessage object. You will be linked directly to the documentation for IMessage properties and methods where appropriate.

IWorkflowMessage exposes two methods for sending e-mail. The SendWorkflowMessage Method is the preferred method for sending e-mail in workflow, because SendWorkflowMessage:

  • Supports transactions, response tracking, and MAPI properties.
  • Configures the message correctly.

IWorkflowMessage exposes the IMessage Send Method as an alternative e-mail sending method in workflow. You may want to use Send for:

  • SMTP mail to non-Microsoft Exchange 2000 servers.
  • Posts to an NNTP server.

Send will fail unless you use the correct Configuration Property.


You cannot create a WorkflowMessage object directly. Use the WorkflowSession object to get a WorkflowMessage object.

[Visual Basic]

Dim WfMsg

WfMsg = WorkflowSession.GetNewWorkflowMessage() 'Do something with WfMsg

See Also

IMessage Interface

GetNewWorkflowMessage Method

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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