
FRXDataSession Property

Provides the datasession ID in which the Report Engine places a private copy of the report or label file (frx or lbx) for ReportListener use during a report run.


Return Value

Integer data type.

The default value is -1 when you create the instance of ReportListener, indicating that the special datasession does not exist at this point.


Applies To: ReportListener Object.

This property contains a valid value (an existing datasession's ID) from LoadReport through UnloadReport. However, the Report Engine does not open the read-only copy of the report or label file until after the LoadReport event and before the BeforeReport event. This gives you a chance to manipulate the report or label file before the Report Engine reads the report or label file layout information and begins the report run. For more information on the order of events during run time processing, see Understanding Visual FoxPro Object-Assisted Reporting.

Important Note:

The copy of the report or label file provided by the Report Engine in this data session during the run is read-only. The ReportEngine and native ReportListener do not refer to the report or label file during the report run, once they have read in its layout information during report start-up procedures. If the cursor were read/write, and if you made changes to its data, the changes would not be significant to the native Visual FoxPro reporting components. The copy of the report or label file is purely for your reference while the report executes. You can change certain aspects of how the report renders various layout objects, using ReportListener events. For more information, see AdjustObjectSize Event and EvaluateContents Event.

See Also


How to: Use Data Sessions


ReportListener Object Properties, Methods, and Events


Other Resources

Properties (Visual FoxPro)

Language Reference (Visual FoxPro)

Extending Reports at Run Time