
Transfer Functions

The following table shows the USB driver functions with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
AbortTransfer This function aborts an active transfer.
CloseTransfer This function closes a USB transfer handle.
GetIsochResults This function gets the status of an active isochronous transfer.
GetTransferError This function returns an error value associated with a USB transfer.
GetTransferStatus This function gets the status of an active transfer.
IssueBulkTransfer This function initiates a bulk transfer to a USB device on the specified endpoint.
IssueControlTransfer This function initiates a control transfer with a USB device on the specified endpoint.
IssueInterruptTransfer This function initiates an interrupt transfer with a USB device on the specified endpoint.
IssueIsochTransfer This function initiates an isochronous transfer with a USB device.
IssueVendorTransfer This function sends a vendor-specific control transfer to a USB device.
IsTransferComplete This function checks whether a transfer has completed.

See Also

USB Driver Functions

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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