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This structure is used to associate a command identifier from a notification softkey bar with a particular behavior.

typedef struct _SOFTKEYCMD {
  WPARAM wpCmd;
  DWORD grfFlags;


  • wpCmd
    Command to send with WM_COMMAND when the softkey is pressed.
  • grfFlags
    Flag that defines special behavior for the softkey. The following table shows the possible flag values.
    Flag Description
    NOTIF_SOFTKEY_FLAGS_DISMISS Remove the notification when the softkey is pressed.
    NOTIF_SOFTKEY_FLAGS_HIDE Hide the notification when the softkey is pressed, but do not dismiss the notification.
    NOTIF_SOFTKEY_FLAGS_STAYOPEN Do not dismiss or hide the notification when the softkey is pressed.
    NOTIF_SOFTKEY_FLAGS_SUBMIT_FORM Submit the HTML form in the associated notification instead of sending WM_COMMAND to the sink.
    NOTIF_SOFTKEY_FLAGS_DISABLED Used to disable or enable a softkey through SHNotificationUpdate function.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later
Header: aygshell.h
Link Library: aygshell.lib

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