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This structure contains the information required to make a phone call.

typedef struct tagPHONEMAKECALLINFO{
  DWORD cbSize;
  DWORD dwFlags;
  PCWSTR pszDestAddress;
  PCWSTR pszAppName;
  PCWSTR pszCalledParty;
  PCWSTR pszComment;


  • cbSize
    The size of the PHONEMAKECALLINFO structure.

  • dwFlags
    This member can contain either of the following values.

    Value Meaning
    PMCF_DEFAULT The user will not be prompted to confirm the phone call before the call is placed.
    PMCF_PROMPTBEFORECALLING The user will be prompted to confirm the phone call before the call is placed.
    PMCF_ALLOWSUPSVCS The user will be able to use supplementary services, such as dialing Man-Machine Interface (MMI) codes.
  • pszDestAddress
    A pointer to the phone number to be dialed. Validity of the specified address is not checked by this operation. The maximum length of the address is TAPIMAXDESTADDRESSSIZE characters, which includes the NULL terminator.

  • pszAppName
    This parameter is reserved for future use; the value of this parameter must be set to NULL.

  • pszCalledParty
    A pointer to the name of the party to be called. This pointer can be left NULL if the application does not wish to supply this information. The maximum length of the string is TAPIMAXCALLEDPARTYSIZE characters, which includes the NULL terminator. Longer strings are truncated.

  • pszComment
    This parameter is reserved for future use; the value of this parameter must be set to NULL.


This structure uses the same fields as the tapiRequestMakeCall function within the Assisted Telephony API (TAPI).


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later
Smartphone: Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later.
Header: phone.h

See Also

PhoneMakeCall | tapiRequestMakeCall | Phone Structures

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