This interface is implemented by desktop applications to receive notifications when a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device connects or disconnects. Applications register an IRAPISink implementation to receive device connection events by calling IRAPIDesktop::Advise.
The following table shows the methods for this interface in alphabetical order. Like all COM interfaces, this interface inherits the methods for the IUnknown interface.
Method | Description |
OnDeviceConnected | Called by the Windows CE Connection Manager when a remote device connects to the desktop. |
OnDeviceDisconnected | Called by the Windows CE Connection Manager when a remote device disconnects from the desktop. |
OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later.
Header: Rapi2.h.
Link Library: Ole32.lib, Rapiuuid.lib.
See Also
Remote API 2 Interfaces | IRAPIDesktop:IUnknown | IRAPIDesktop::Advise
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