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This method releases the handle of the specified registry key on a remote Microsoft® Windows® CE–based device.

LONG CeRegCloseKey(
  HKEY hKey 


  • hKey
    [in] Handle to the open registry key to close.

Return Values

ERROR_SUCCESS indicates success. A nonzero error code defined in Winerror.h indicates failure. To get a generic description of the error, call FormatMessage with the FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM flag set.


The handle for a specified key cannot be used after it has been closed. Key handles should not be left open any longer than necessary.

The IRAPISession::CeRegCloseKey method always writes information to the registry before returning, eliminating the need to flush keys in the Windows CE registry.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later.
Header: Rapi2.h.
Link Library: Ole32.lib, Rapiuuid.lib

See Also

IRAPISession::IUnknown | IRAPISession::CeRegCreateKeyEx | IRAPISession::CeRegDeleteKey | IRAPISession::CeRegOpenKeyEx | IRAPISession::CeRegSetValueEx

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