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This methods retrieves information about all files and directories in the given directory of the Microsoft® Windows® CE object store on a remote device.

BOOL CeFindAllFiles(
  LPCWSTR szPath, 
  DWORD dwFlags, 
  LPDWORD lpdwFoundCount, 
  LPLPCE_FIND_DATA ppFindDataArray 


  • szPath
    [in] Null-terminated string containing the path in which to search for files. Note that within the path string, two backslashes (\\) must be used to achieve a single backslash because the C language reserves a single backslash for escape characters. For example, a valid path would be "\\temp", whereas a path set to "\temp" would expand to the tab character followed by "emp".

  • dwFlags
    [in] Combination of filter and retrieval flags. Filter flags specify what kinds of files to search for and retrieval flags specify which members of the CE_FIND_DATA structure to populate for each found file.

    The filter flags can be a combination of the following values.

    Value Description
    FAF_ATTRIB_CHILDREN Only retrieve information for directories that have child items.
    FAF_ATTRIB_NO_HIDDEN Do not retrieve information for files or directories that have the hidden attribute set.
    FAF_FOLDERS_ONLY Only retrieve information for directories.
    FAF_NO_HIDDEN_SYS_ROMMODULES Do not retrieve information for ROM files or directories.
    FAF_GETTARGET Get shortcut target information.

    The retrieval flags can be a combination of the following values.

    Value Description
    FAF_ATTRIBUTES Retrieve the file attributes and copy them to the dwFileAttributes member.
    FAF_CREATION_TIME Retrieve the file creation time and copy it to the ftCreationTime member.
    FAF_LASTACCESS_TIME Retrieve the time when the file was last accessed and copy it to the ftLastAccessTime member.
    FAF_LASTWRITE_TIME Retrieve the time when the file was last written to and copy it to the ftLastWriteTime member.
    FAF_SIZE_HIGH Retrieve the high-order DWORD value of the file size and copy it to the nFileSizeHigh member.
    FAF_SIZE_LOW Retrieve the low-order DWORD value of the file size and copy it to the nFileSizeLow member.
    FAF_OID Retrieve the object identifier of the file and copy it to the dwOID member.
    FAF_NAME Retrieve the file name and copy it to the cFileName member.
    FAF_FLAG_COUNT Count of flags. For internal use only.
  • lpdwFoundCount
    [out] Long pointer to a variable that receives a count of the items found.

  • ppFindDataArray
    [out] Pointer to the pointer to an array of CE_FIND_DATA structures that receive information about the found items. It is the application's responsibility to free the memory used by the array. To free the memory you must call IRAPISession::CeRapiFreeBuffer.

Return Values

Nonzero indicates success. Zero indicates failure. To get extended error information, call IRAPISession::CeGetLastError and IRAPISession::CeRapiGetError.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later.
Header: Rapi2.h.
Link Library: Ole32.lib, Rapiuuid.lib.

See Also

IRAPISession::IUnknown | IRAPISession::CeFindFirstFile | IRAPISession::CeRapiFreeBuffer

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