
Mail API in Menus

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You can develop an application that generates content, such as a camera application or a music mixer, and you can have menu items such as Send via MMS in the application. The way to tie such a menu item to an MMS client is to use the Mail API. To start editing a new MMS message, use the MailComposeMessage function.

This function enables you to create an empty compose form, specify the fields with which to populate the form, and specify either the name of the account or the transport to use to send the message. You can also specify to send using a mailto URL format.

The following list shows common options for an MMS client:

  • Camera Support

    You must provide your own camera application. You activate an MMS client from your camera application by using the Mail API.

  • Video Support

    You must provide your own video picker.

  • Configurable Registry key settings

    You can change the Media Messages Account name.

    You can search specified folders in addition to the default ones in the picture and sound pickers supported by the sound picker.

    You can add to the existing supported file formats.

See Also

Messaging Application Development for Windows Mobile-based Devices | Messaging Extensibility Settings | New Messaging APIs for Windows Mobile Version 5.0

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