
Configuration Manager2

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Configuration Manager2 checks the access permit to find whether that action is permitted for designated objects by that particular server, and identifies which Configuration Service Provider should be called. It then routes the command to the appropriate Configuration Service Provider.

When processing is complete, the Configuration Service Provider sends the processing results to Configuration Manager2, who then sends the result back to the Data Process Unit (DPU).

The DPU parses the result, creates the corresponding status OMA DM element, and then sends the response back to OMA DM transport client. The OMA DM transport client creates the response OMA message and sends back to the server. The server parses the package and finds everything is configured correctly. It sends the last DM message to the device to close this session.

For the OMA DM Add command, Configuration Manager2 implicitly adds the missing part when a segment in the path of the node to be added doesn't exist.

See Also

Device Management Architecture | OMA Device Management

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