

This method sets the most detailed level of detail (LOD) for a managed texture.



  • LODNew
    [in] Most detailed LOD value to set for the mipmap chain.

Return Values

A DWORD value, clamped to the maximum LOD value (one less than the total number of levels). Subsequent calls to this method will return the clamped value, not the LOD value that was previously set.


SetLOD is used for LOD control of managed textures. This method returns 0 on nonmanaged textures.

SetLOD communicates to the Microsoft® Direct3D® texture manager the most detailed mipmap in the chain that should be loaded into local video memory. For example, in a five-level mipmap chain, setting LODNew to 2 indicates that the texture manager should load only mipmap levels 2 through 4 into local video memory at any given time.

More specifically, if the texture was created with the dimensions of 256×256, setting the most detailed level ** to ** 0 indicates that 256×256 is the largest mipmap available, setting the most detailed level ** to ** 1 indicates that 128×128 is the largest mipmap available, and so on, up to the most detailed mip level (the smallest texture size) for the chain.

This method applies to the IDirect3DTexture8 interface, which inherits from IDirect3DBaseTexture8.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: D3d8.h.
Link Library: D3d8.lib.

See Also

IDirect3DBaseTexture8 | IDirect3DTexture8 | IDirect3DBaseTexture8::GetLOD

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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