
MeetingStatus Enumeration


Specifies whether an Appointment is a Meeting, and if so, specifies its status. The default value is NotMeeting (just an Appointment).

Namespace: Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook
Assembly: Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook (in microsoft.windowsmobile.pocketoutlook.dll)


public enum MeetingStatus
Public Enumeration MeetingStatus


Member name Description
Meeting The Appointment is a Meeting. It was created and sent to one or more Recipients.
MeetingAccepted The Appointment is a Meeting. The user has accepted the meeting request.
MeetingCanceled The Appointment is a Meeting, but it was cancelled by the meeting organizer.
NotMeeting The Appointment is not a Meeting. It was created and saved without sending it to one or more Recipients.

See Also


Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook Namespace