
Local Authentication Subsystem (LASS) for Windows Mobile-based Devices

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Security services in Microsoft Windows CE include the Local Authentication Subsystem (LASS). LASS provides the infrastructure that enables user authentication independent of the application and the specific authentication mechanism. Password authentication provides only one option, a password, for verification. However, LASS allows you to support sophisticated authentication mechanisms, such as biometrics. In addition, you can use LASS functionality to specify event-based policies to authenticate users.

If you are an application developer, you might want to create an application that installs an AE and performs user verification. For more information about writing applications for LASS, see LASS Application Development.

In This Section

  • LASS Application Development
    Provides specific instructions for the developer of an application that uses LASS.
  • LASS Security
    Provides security information and best practices for LASS.
  • LASS Reference
    Describes the LASS application programming interface (API) components, including the functions exported by a LAP.

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