DocList Control
The DocList Control is a Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC control, for displaying and managing documents in a consistent way. This control provides the following functionality
- Select, delete, copy, move, and rename files and folders.
- Sort by a file name, date, or size.
- E-mail files.
- Send files by infrared to another device.
A DocList is a control rather then an entire dialog. Using a DocList control allows you include custom menus or other controls in your files selection UI.
The following is a list of DocList Controls programming elements.
- DocList_Create
- DocList_GetFirstSelectedWaveFile
- DocList_GetNextSelectedWaveFile
- DocList_DeleteSelection
- DocList_DisableUpdate
- DocList_EnableUpdate
- DocList_GetFilterIndex
- DocList_GetItemCount
- DocList_GetNextItem
- DocList_GetNextWaveFile
- DocList_GetPrevWaveFile
- DocList_GetSelectCount
- DocList_GetSelectedPathname
- DocList_ReceiveIR
- DocList_Refresh
- DocList_RenameMoveSelectedItems
- DocList_SelectAll
- DocList_SelectItem
- DocList_SendEMail
- DocList_SendIR
- DocList_SetFilterIndex
- DocList_SetFolder
- DocList_SetItemState
- DocList_SetOneItem
- DocList_SetSelectedPathname
- DocList_SetSelection
- DocList_SetSortOrder
- DocList_Update
- DocList_ValidateFolder
Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2002 and later.
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: doclist.h.
Library: doclist.lib
See Also
Creating Windows Mobile Controls
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