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This code sample is named MUIHello. It demonstrates how to write a Multilingual User Interface (MUI) version of a "Hello World!" application.

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To run the code sample

  1. Navigate to each solution file (*.sln), and double-click it. By default, the solution files are copied to the following folder:

    C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\wce500\Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK\Samples\CPP\Win32\Muihello\app\app.sln

    C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\wce500\Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK\Samples\CPP\Win32\Muihello\German_resfile\german_resfile.sln

    C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\wce500\Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK\Samples\CPP\Win32\Muihello\Resfile\resfile.sln

    Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 launches and loads each solution.

  2. Build the solutions (Ctrl+Shift+B).

    Note   Be sure to build all three projects in the workspace.

  3. Deploy the solution (F5), and run muihello.exe.

By switching languages, notice how Windows Mobile automatically loads strings from the appropriate *.MUI file.


Because muihello.exe loads resources from the *.MUI files, you must be sure that those files have been built, and that they have been copied to the target platform before running muihello.exe.

If you want to switch emulators to one that has a different language, be sure to change it on each of the projects.


Pocket PC SDK: Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK.
Smartphone SDK: Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK.
Development Environment: Visual Studio 2005.
ActiveSync: Version 4.0.

See Also

Code Samples | Input Method Manager (IMM) Reference | Multilingual User Interface (MUI) Reference | National Language Support (NLS) Reference | International API Reference

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