This structure contains information for a single Today screen item.
typedef struct _TODAYLISTITEM {
DWORD dwOrder;
DWORD cyp;
BOOL fEnabled;
BOOL fOptions;
DWORD grfFlags;
HWND hwndCustom;
BOOL fSizeOnDraw;
BYTE * prgbCachedData;
DWORD cbCachedData;
The name of the item. This is where the data for the item is stored in the registry.(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\<key name>).
Value Description MAX_ITEMNAME Maximum number of characters in an item name. tlit
The list item type. See TODAYLISTITEMTYPE.dwOrder
A numerical order value. The items are sorted on the Today page according to their order value.cyp
The height of the item in pixels.fEnabled
TRUE if the item is checked in Today Settings, otherwise FALSE.fOptions
TRUE if the item has an Options screen in Settings (and implements TodayCustomItemDlgProc), otherwise FALSE.grfFlags
Flags for the item (specific to each type). For custom items independent software vendors (ISVs) may use these flags any way they want.szDLLPath
The path to the DLL for a custom item.Value Description MAX_PATH Maximum size of a path. hinstDLL
Instance handle for the DLL (used to load dialogs, resources, and so on).hwndCustom
The window handle for the custom item window.fSizeOnDraw
Reserved. Used internally by the Today screen.prgbCachedData
Pointer to the cached data. Custom items should use this to store data for which they don't want to query a database, the Internet, or some other bandwidth-intensive resource. The system will free this memory when it unloads the items due to setting changes, etc.cbCachedData
Size of the cached data in bytes.
This structure completely describes a Today item. It is passed by reference through the messages WM_TODAYCUSTOM_CLEARCACHE and WM_TODAYCUSTOM_QUERYREFRESHCACHE.
Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2000 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: todaycmn.h
See Also
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