
MAPI Message Status Flags

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These flags indicate and set message status values. They can be combined with bitwise OR to form a bitmask.

Constant Value Description
MSGSTATUS_RECTYPE_SMTP 0x00020000 For quick recognition of the recipient types for an SMTP message.
MSGSTATUS_RECTYPE_SMS 0x00040000 For quick recognition of the recipient types for an Short Message Service (SMS) message.
MSGSTATUS_SMSSTATUS_SUCCESS 0x00020000 Re-use the above flags for incoming Short Message Service (SMS) status messages, which are mutually exclusive from outgoing messages.
MSGSTATUS_RECTYPE_ALLTYPES 0x00060000 To determine if any transport still needs to send the message. (MSGSTATUS_RECTYPE_SMTP | MSGSTATUS_RECTYPE_SMS).
MSGSTATUS_HEADERONLY 0x00010000 This flag should be set if only the header has been downloaded.
MSGSTATUS_PARTIAL_DOWNLOAD 0x00080000 Set if the item is only partially downloaded.
MSGSTATUS_PARTIAL 0x00100000 Set if the item is only partially downloaded.
MSGSTATUS_REMOTE_DOWNLOAD_ATTACH 0x00200000 Set if the message has at least one attachment marked for downloaded.
MSGSTATUS_REMOTE_DOWNLOAD_HEADER 0x00400000 Set if the MIME header needs to be downloaded.
MSGSTATUS_HAS_TNEF 0x00800000 Set if the message has a TNEF blob attached.
MSGSTATUS_REMOTE_DOWNLOAD_TNEF 0x01000000 Set if the TNEF of a message needs to be downloaded.
MSGSTATUS_GHOSTED_ATTACH 0x02000000 Set if the attachment has a copy on the server.
MSGSTATUS_PENDING_ATTACHMENTS 0x04000000 Set if there are attachments on the message that have not yet been downloaded.
MSGSTATUS_HAS_PR_CE_MIME_TEXT 0x08000000 Set if the message has PR_CE_MIME_TEXT property.
MSGSTATUS_HAS_PR_BODY 0x10000000 Set if the message has PR_BODY property.
MSGSTATUS_HAS_PR_CE_CRYPT_MIME_TEXT 0x40000000 Set if the message has PR_CE_CRYPT_MIME_TEXT property.

See Also

MAPI Flags

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