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The MAILSYNCREQUEST structure describes the synchronize request made by the e-mail application to the transport.


struct {
  DWORD cbSize;
  DWORD cbBufSize;
  DWORD cbCookie;
  LPBYTE pbCookie;
  ULONG ffFlags;
  ULONG objType;
  DWORD cbId;
  LPSPropValue pval;


  • cbSize
    Size in bytes of MAILSYNCREQUEST structure.
  • cbBufSize
    Size in bytes of the entire buffer.
  • cbCookie
    Reserved for future use when using the IMailSyncCallBack::RequestSync method.
  • pbCookie
    Reserved for future use when using the IMailSyncCallBack::RequestSync method.
  • ffFlags
    Specifies the type of action performed during a synchronization operation. For a list of possible values, see MAPI Mail Sync Request Constants.
  • objType
    Reserved for future use.
  • pid
    Entry ID of the item to act on, such as a folder to rename.
  • cbId
    Count of bytes in pid.
  • pval
    Pointer to an SPropValue structure describing the value of the new item — for example, the name of a new folder to be created.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2002 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: cemapi.h

See Also

IMailSyncHandler::Synchronize | MAPI Structures | Messaging

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