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The IMAPITable interface is used to provide a read-only view of a table. IMAPITable is used by clients and service providers to manipulate the way a table appears.

Methods in Vtable Order

IMAPITable methods Description
GetLastError Not supported — do not use.
Advise Not supported — do not use.
Unadvise Not supported — do not use.
GetStatus Not supported — do not use.
SetColumns Defines the particular properties and order of properties to appear as columns in the table.
QueryColumns Not supported — do not use.
GetRowCount Returns the number of rows in the table that meet a set of criteria.
SeekRow Moves the cursor to a specific position in the table.
SeekRowApprox Not supported — do not use.
QueryPosition Retrieves the current table row position of the cursor, based on a fractional value.
FindRow Not supported — do not use.
Restrict Applies a filter to a table, reducing the row set to only those rows matching the specified criteria.
CreateBookmark Not supported — do not use.
FreeBookmark Not supported — do not use.
SortTable Orders the rows of the table based on sort criteria.
QuerySortOrder Not supported — do not use.
QueryRows Returns one or more rows from a table, beginning at the current cursor position.
Abort Not supported — do not use.
ExpandRow Not supported — do not use.
CollapseRow Not supported — do not use.
WaitForCompletion Not supported — do not use.
GetCollapseState Not supported — do not use.
SetCollapseState Not supported — do not use.


IMAPITable, implemented by service providers and MAPI, is called by client applications and service providers and is exposed by table objects. Its interface identifier is IID_IMAPITable and its pointer type is LPMAPITABLE.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2002 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: Declared in mapidefs.h
Library: Use cemapi.lib

See Also

MAPI Interfaces | Messaging

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