
Shell API Notifications

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The following table shows the Shell API notifications, with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
DLN_COPY This notification message is currently not implemented.
DLN_DELETINGSEL This notification message is sent prior to the deletion of a file from the document list; the path name is sent with the message header, allowing the application to close the file if it is currently open.
DLN_DOWN This notification message is sent to indicate the VK_DOWN key was pressed while the document list view was open.
DLN_ESCAPE This notification message is sent to indicate the Escape key was pressed while the document list view was open. It is up to each application to handle this event.
DLN_FILECHANGEINFO This notification message is sent when the document list receives a WM_FILECHANGEINFO message.
DLN_FOLDER This notification message is sent when a new folder is selected in the document list view; the path name of the folder is passed along with this notification.
DLN_ITEMACTIVATED This notification message is sent to indicate an item has been clicked or tapped; a path name is sent with this notification.
DLN_ITEMCHANGED This notification message is sent to indicate that an item in the document list view has changed.
DLN_ITEMCHANGING This notification message is sent to indicate that an item in the document list view is currently changing.
DLN_NOHIT This notification message is sent when a LVN_ITEMCHANGED notification message is received and no item is currently selected in the document list view.
DLN_NOITEMS This notification message is sent to indicate that no files are contained in the document list view and that the application should update the interface to reflect the lack of files (disable the Property button, for example).
DLN_POSTUPDATE This notification message is sent just after the document list is updated.
DLN_PREDELETESEL This notification message is sent prior to the deletion of one or more elements in the document list.
DLN_PREUPDATE This notification message is sent just before the document list is updated.
DLN_PRINT This notification message is sent when the Print command is selected from the context menu; the path name of the file to be printed is passed along with this notification.
DLN_PROP This notification message is currently not implemented.
DLN_UP This notification message is sent to indicate the VK_UP key was pressed while the document list view was open.
GN_CONTEXTMENU This notification message is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message.
NM_RECOGNIZEGESTURE This notification message is sent to allow the application to decide if it wants automatic gesture recognition in common controls or not.
NMN_GETAPPREGKEY This notification message is sent to retrieve the application specific registry key for New menu items.

This notification message is not supported for Windows Mobile Version 5.0.

NMN_GETPROPERTYBAG This notification message is sent to retrieve an IPersistPropertyBag interface pointer that will be used to initialize the new object.
NMN_INVOKECOMMAND This notification message is sent to an application before a new instance of the Component Object Model (COM) object is created.
NMN_NEWBUTTONUPDATED This notification message is sent to applications when the shared New button style changes.

This notification message is not supported for Windows Mobile 5.0.

NMN_NEWMENUDESTROY This notification message is sent to an application before the shared New menu is destroyed.

This notification message is not supported for Windows Mobile 5.0.

SH_UIMETRIC_CHANGE This notification is sent to an application when the user changes the text size from the Screen control panel application.
WM_FILECHANGEINFO Sent (by SendNotifyMessage from the shell) to the window that was registered with SHChangeNotifyRegister.

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