
Serial Communications Functions

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The following table shows the serial communications functions with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element PPC SP Description
ClearCommBreak X X This function restores character transmission for a specified communications device and places the transmission line in a nonbreak state.
ClearCommError X X This function retrieves information about a communications error and reports the current status of a communications device.
EscapeCommFunction X X This function directs a specified communication device to perform an extended function.
GetCommMask X X This function retrieves the event mask value for a specified communication device.
GetCommModemStatus X X This function retrieves modem control-register values.
GetCommProperties X X This function fills a buffer with communication properties data for a specified communication device.
GetCommState X X This function fills in a device-control block with the current control settings for a specified communication device.
GetCommTimeouts X X This function retrieves the time-out parameters for all read and write operations on a specified communication device.
PurgeComm X X This function can discard all characters from the output or input buffer of a specified communications resource.
SetCommBreak X X This function suspends character transmission for a specified communications device and places the transmission line in a break state until the ClearCommBreak function is called.
SetCommMask X X This function specifies a set of events to be monitored for a communications device.
SetCommState X X This function configures a communications device according to the specifications in a device-control block.
SetCommTimeouts X X This function sets the time-out parameters for all read and write operations on a specified communications device.
SetupComm X X This function initializes the communications parameters for a specified communications device.
TransmitCommChar X X This function transmits a specified character ahead of any pending data in the output buffer of the specified communications device.
WaitCommEvent X X This function waits for an event to occur for a specified communications device.

See Also

Serial Communications Reference

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