Cryptography Functions
The following table shows the cryptography functions with a description of the purpose of each.
Programming element | PPC | SP | Description |
CPAcquireContext | X | X | This function acquires a handle to the key container specified by the pszContainer parameter. |
CryptAcquireContext | X | X | This function acquires a handle to a specific key container within a particular cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
CryptContextAddRef | X | X | This function adds one to the reference count of an HCRYPTPROV handle. |
CryptCreateHash | X | X | This function initiates the hashing of a stream of data. |
CryptDecrypt | X | X | This function decrypts data that was previously encrypted with the CryptEncrypt function. |
CryptDeriveKey | X | X | This function generates cryptographic session keys derived from base data. |
CryptDestroyHash | X | X | This function destroys the hash object referenced by the hHash parameter. |
CryptDestroyKey | X | X | This function frees the handle referenced by the hKey parameter. |
CryptDuplicateHash | X | X | This function makes an exact copy of a hash and the state the hash is in. |
CryptDuplicateKey | X | X | This function makes an exact copy of a key and the state the key is in. |
CryptEncrypt | X | X | This function encrypts data. |
CryptEnumProviders | X | X | This function retrieves the first or next available cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
CryptEnumProviderTypes | X | X | This function retrieves the first or next type of cryptographic service provider (CSP) supported on the computer. |
CryptExportKey | X | X | This function exports cryptographic keys from of a cryptographic service provider (CSP) in a more secure manner. |
CryptFindLocalizedName | X | X | This function finds the localized name for the specified name, such as the localized name of the "Root" system store. |
CryptGenKey | X | X | This function generates a random cryptographic session key or a public/private key pair for use with the cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
CryptGenRandom | X | X | This function fills a buffer with random bytes. |
CryptGetDefaultProvider | X | X | This function finds the default cryptographic service provider (CSP) of a specified type either for the current user or the device. |
CryptGetHashParam | X | X | This function retrieves data that governs the operations of a hash object and retrieves the actual hash value. |
CryptGetKeyParam | X | X | This function lets applications retrieve data that governs the operations of a key. |
CryptGetProvParam | X | X | This function retrieves parameters that govern the operations of a cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
CryptGetUserKey | X | X | This function retrieves a handle to a permanent user key pair, such as the user's signature key pair. |
CryptHashData | X | X | This function adds data to a specified hash object. |
CryptHashSessionKey | X | X | This function computes the cryptographic hash of a session key object. |
CryptImportKey | X | X | This function transfers a cryptographic key from a key binary large object (BLOB) to the cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
CryptMsgCalculateEncodedLength | X | X | This function calculates the maximum number of bytes need for an encoded cryptographic message when it is given the message type, encoding parameters, and total length of the data to be encoded. |
CryptMsgClose | X | X | This function closes a cryptographic message handle. |
CryptMsgControl | X | X | This function performs a control operation after a message has been decoded by a final CryptMsgUpdate call. |
CryptMsgDuplicate | X | X | This function duplicates a cryptographic message handle by incrementing its reference count. |
CryptMsgGetParam | X | X | This function acquires a message parameter after a cryptographic message has been encoded or decoded. |
CryptMsgOpenToDecode | X | X | This function opens a cryptographic message for decoding and returns a handle of the opened message. |
CryptMsgOpenToEncode | X | X | This function opens a cryptographic message for encoding and returns a handle of the opened message. |
CryptMsgUpdate | X | X | This function adds contents to a cryptographic message. |
CryptProtectData | X | X | This function performs encryption on the data in a DATA_BLOB structure. |
CryptReleaseContext | X | X | This function frees the handle to a cryptographic service provider (CSP) and the key container. |
CryptSetHashParam | X | X | This function customizes the operations of a hash object. |
CryptSetKeyParam | X | X | This function customizes various aspects of a key's operations. |
CryptSetProvider | X | X | This function specifies the current user default cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
CryptSetProviderEx | X | X | This function specifies the default cryptographic service provider (CSP) for the current user or the local device. |
CryptSetProvParam | X | X | This function customizes the operations of a cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
CryptSignHash | X | X | This function signs data. |
CryptUnprotectData | X | X | This function decrypts and checks the integrity of the data in a DATA_BLOB structure. |
CryptVerifySignature | X | X | This function verifies the signature of a hash object. |
See Also
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