
Certificates Functions

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The following table shows the Certificates functions with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element PPC SP Description
CertAddCertificateContextToStore X X This function adds a certificate context to the certificate store.
CertAddCertificateLinkToStore X X This function adds a link in a certificate store to a certificate context in a different store.
CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore X X This function creates a certificate context from an encoded certificate and adds it to the certificate store.
CertAddEnhancedKeyUsageIdentifier X X This function adds a usage identifier OID to the certificate's extended key usage (EKU) property.
CertAddSerializedElementToStore X X This function adds a serialized certificate element to the store.
CertAlgIdToOID X X This function converts a CryptoAPI algorithm identifier (ALG_ID) to an ASN.1 object identifier string.
CertCloseStore X X This function closes a certificate store handle and reduces the reference count on the store.
CertCompareCertificate X X This function compares two certificates to determine whether they are identical.
CertCompareCertificateName X X This function compares two certificate CERT_NAME_BLOB structures to determine whether they are identical.
CertCompareIntegerBlob X X This function compares two integer BLOB structures to determine whether they represent equal numeric values.
CertComparePublicKeyInfo X X This function compares two encoded public keys to determine whether they are identical.
CertControlStore X X This function allows an application to be notified when there is a difference between the contents of a cached store in use and the contents of that store as it is persisted to storage.
CertCreateCertificateContext X X This function creates a certificate context from an encoded certificate.
CertDeleteCertificateFromStore X X This function deletes the specified certificate context from the certificate store.
CertDuplicateCertificateChain X X This function duplicates a pointer to a certificate chain by incrementing the chain's reference count.
CertDuplicateCertificateContext X X This function duplicates a certificate context by incrementing its reference count.
CertDuplicateStore X X This function duplicates a store handle by incrementing the store's reference count.
CertEnumCertificateContextProperties X X This function retrieves the first or next extended property associated with a certificate context.
CertEnumCertificatesInStore X X This function retrieves the first or next certificate in a certificate store.
CertEnumPhysicalStore X X This function retrieves the physical stores on a computer. The function calls the provided callback function for each physical store found.
CertEnumSystemStore X X This function retrieves the first or next system store available.
CertEnumSystemStoreLocation X X This function retrieves the first or next system store location.
CertFindAttribute X X This function finds the first attribute in the CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE array, as identified by its object identifier (OID).
CertFindCertificateInStore X X This function finds the first or next certificate context in a certificate store that matches search criteria established by the dwFindType parameter and its associated pvFindPara parameter.
CertFindExtension X X This function finds the first extension in the CERT_EXTENSION array, as identified by its object identifier (OID).
CertFindRDNAttr X X This function finds the first relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identified by its object identifier (OID) in an RDN list.
CertFreeCertificateChain X X This function frees a certificate chain by reducing its reference count.
CertFreeCertificateContext X X This function frees a certificate context by decrementing its reference count.
CertGetCertificateChain X X This function builds a certificate chain context starting from an end certificate and going back, if possible, to a trusted root certificate.
CertGetCertificateContextProperty X X This function retrieves the information contained in an extended property of a certificate context.
CertGetEnhancedKeyUsage X X This function returns information from the extended key usage (EKU) extension or the EKU property of a certificate.
CertGetIntendedKeyUsage X X This function acquires the intended key usage bytes from a certificate.
CertGetIssuerCertificateFromStore X X This function retrieves the certificate context from the certificate store for the first or next issuer of the specified subject certificate.
CertGetNameString X X This function obtains the subject or issuer name from a certificate CERT_CONTEXT structure and converts it to a NULL-terminated character string.
CertGetPublicKeyLength X X This function acquires the bit length of public/private keys from a public key BLOB.
CertGetStoreProperty X X This function retrieves a store property.
CertGetSubjectCertificateFromStore X X This function returns from a certificate store a subject certificate context uniquely identified by its issuer and serial number.
CertGetValidUsages X X This function returns an array of usages consisting of the intersection of the valid usages for all certificates in an array of certificates.
CertIsRDNAttrsInCertificateName X X This function compares the attributes in the certificate name with the specified CERT_RDN structure to determine whether all attributes are included there.
CertNameToStr X X This function converts the name in a CERT_NAME_BLOB structure to a NULL-terminated character string.
CertOIDToAlgId X X This function converts the ASN.1 object identifier (OID) string to the CryptoAPI algorithm identifier (ALG_ID).
CertOpenStore X X This function opens a certificate store using a specified store provider type.
CertOpenSystemStore X X This function is a simplified function used to open the most common system certificate store.
CertRDNValueToStr X X This function converts a name in a CERT_RDN_VALUE_BLOB structure to a NULL-terminated character string.
CertRemoveEnhancedKeyUsageIdentifier X X This function removes a usage identifier OID from the certificate's extended key usage (EKU) property.
CertSaveStore X X This function saves the certificate store to a file or to a memory BLOB.
CertSerializeCertificateStoreElement X X This function serializes a certificate context's encoded certificate and its encoded properties.
CertSetCertificateContextProperty X X This function sets an extended property for a specified certificate context.
CertSetEnhancedKeyUsage X X This function sets the extended key usage (EKU) property for the certificate.
CertSetStoreProperty X X This function sets a store property.
CertStrToName X X This function converts a NULL-terminated X500 string to an encoded certificate name.
CertVerifySubjectCertificateContext X X This function performs the enabled verification checks on a certificate by checking the validity of the certificate's issuer.
CertVerifyTimeValidity X X This function verifies the time validity of a certificate.
CertVerifyValidityNesting X X This function verifies that a subject certificate's time validity nests correctly within its issuer's time validity.
CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey X X This function acquires a HCRYPTPROV cryptographic service provider (CSP) handle including access to its related key container and the dwKeySpec parameter for a user's specified certificate context.
CryptCreateKeyIdentifierFromCSP X X This function creates a key identifier from a cryptographic service provider (CSP) public key BLOB.
CryptDecodeObjectEx X X This function decodes a structure of the type indicated by the lpszStructType parameter.
CryptEncodeObjectEx X X This function encodes a structure of the type indicated by the value of the lpszStructType parameter.
CryptEnumKeyIdentifierProperties X X This function enumerates key identifiers and their properties.
CryptEnumOIDInfo X X This function enumerates predefined and registered object identifier CRYPT_OID_INFO structures.
CryptExportPublicKeyInfoEx X X This function exports the public key information associated with the provider's corresponding private key.
CryptFindCertificateKeyProvInfo X X This function enumerates the cryptographic providers and their containers to find the private key corresponding to the certificate's public key.
CryptFindOIDInfo X X This function retrieves the first predefined or registered CRYPT_OID_INFO structure matching a specified key type and key.
CryptFreeOIDFunctionAddress X X This function frees a handle returned by the CryptGetOIDFunctionAddress or CryptGetDefaultOIDFunctionAddress function by decrementing the reference count on the function handle.
CryptGetDefaultOIDFunctionAddress X X This function loads the DLL containing a default function address.
CryptGetKeyIdentifierProperty X X This function acquires a specific property from a specified key identifier.
CryptGetOIDFunctionAddress X X This function searches the list of installed functions for an encoding type and OID match.
CryptHashCertificate X X This function hashes the entire encoded content of a certificate including its signature.
CryptHashPublicKeyInfo X X This function encodes the public key information in a CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO structure and computes the hash of the encoded bytes.
CryptHashToBeSigned X X This function computes the hash of the encoded content from a signed and encoded certificate.
CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx X X This function imports public key information into the cryptographic service provider (CSP) and returns a handle of the public key.
CryptInitOIDFunctionSet X X This function initializes and returns the handle of the OID function set identified by a supplied function set name.
CryptInstallDefaultContext X X This function installs a previously acquired HCRYPTPROV context to be used as a default context.
CryptInstallOIDFunctionAddress X X This function installs a set of callable OID function addresses.
CryptSetKeyIdentifierProperty X X This function sets the property of a specified key identifier.
CryptSignAndEncodeCertificate X X This function encodes and signs a certificate or certificate request.
CryptSignCertificate X X This function signs the to-be-signed information in the encoded signed content.
CryptUninstallDefaultContext X X This function removes a default context previously installed by the CryptInstallDefaultContext function
CryptVerifyCertificateSignature X X This function verifies the signature of a certificate, certificate revocation list (CRL), or certificate request by using the public key in a CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO structure.
PFXExportCertStoreEx X X This function exports the certificates and, if available, their associated private keys from the referenced certificate store in Personal Information Exchange (PFX) format.

PFX format is also known as Public-Key Cryptography Standards #12 (PKCS #12) format.

PFXImportCertStore X X This function imports a PFX BLOB and returns the handle of a store containing certificates and any associated private keys.
PFXIsPFXBlob X X This function attempts to decode the outer layer of a BLOB as a PFX packet.
PFXVerifyPassword X X This function attempts to decode the outer layer of a BLOB as a PFX packet and to decrypt it with the given password. No data from the BLOB is imported.

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