
Expandable Edit Control

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An expandable edit control is a combination of a Windows CE edit control and an associated Windows CE up-down control and is designed specifically for Windows Mobile-based Smartphones. An expandable edit control is expanded to full screen when the user presses the Action key. For example, on the Owner Information dialog box, the Notes control is an expandable edit control.

Note   The standard Windows CE list box messages can be used to communicate with the edit control. For information about these messages, see List Boxes Messages.

The following table lists the Windows CE styles you apply to the up-down box control and edit control to create the expandable edit control. For an example of how to apply these styles, see How to: Create an Expandable Edit Control.

Style Description Control
ES_AUTOHSCROLL Automatically scrolls text to the right by 10 characters when the user types a character at the end of the line. Edit
ES_AUTOVSCROLL Scrolls text up one page when the user presses the Action key on the last line. Edit
ES_MULTILINE Creates a multiline edit control. Edit
UDS_ALIGNRIGHT Positions the up-down control next to the right edge of the buddy control. The width of the buddy control is decreased to accommodate the width of the up-down control. Up-down
UDS_EXPANDABLE Expands the spin box control to a full screen when the user presses the Action key. The standard full screen has a default title. You can specify an alternate title in the up-down control. Up-down
UDS_NOSCROLL Does not display the up, down, left, or right arrow keys. You must use the UDS_NOSCROLL style with the UDS_EXPANDABLE style so that the user can select data. Do not use the UDS_NOSCROLL style with the UDS_HORZ style. Up-down

See Also

How to: Create an Expandable Edit Control | Creating Windows Mobile Controls

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