
Bluetooth Components

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The following table lists the Bluetooth libraries that are included in the Windows Mobile SDK. These libraries are located in the <SDK install directory>\Lib\<Hardware Platform> directory.

Note   The functions contained in these libraries only work with the Microsoft® Bluetooth stack. If your device supports a third party stack, then the application calling these functions will fail.

Library Description
Btd.lib Microsoft core Bluetooth stack. This library exposes functions that are used to extend various layers of the stack.
Bthguid.lib Contains GUIDs that are used to instantiate various Bluetooth COM components.
Bthutil.lib Contains functions that are used to turn off or turn on Bluetooth on the device. These functions are declared in the Bthutil.h header file.
Coredll.lib Contains functions that are used to set up an event notification system from the Microsoft Bluetooth stack. These functions are declared in the Bt_api.h header file.
Ws2.lib Contains common Winsock2 functions that are used to perform various Bluetooth operations, such as device and service discovery.

The following table lists the Bluetooth header files that are included in the Windows Mobile SDK. These headers are located in the <SDK install directory>\Include\<Hardware Platform> directory.

Header Description
Bt_api.h Defines client-level functions for calling into the Bluetooth stack.
Note   To use the Bth* functions defined in this header you must link to Btdrt.lib. This library may or may not be available in your SDK.
To preserve Win32 compatibility, consider using the Winsock equivalent of these functions.

This header file also defines functions to receive event notifications from the stack.

Bt_sdp.h Defines structures and constants for SDP queries.
Bthapi.h Defines interfaces for managing SDP records. For more information about these interfaces see Bluetooth Interfaces.
Bthutil.h Defines functions for setting and retrieving the mode of the Bluetooth operation.
Winsock2.h Defines standard Windows socket functions that can be used to perform Bluetooth operations.
Ws2bth.h Defines Bluetooth specific Winsock constants and structures that can be used in Bluetooth applications over Winsock.

See Also


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