Entity References: One-To-One and One-To-Many (M to SQL Mapping)
[This content is no longer valid. For the latest information on "M", "Quadrant", SQL Server Modeling Services, and the Repository, see the Model Citizen blog.]
One-to-one and one-to-many relationships in Microsoft code name “M” are modeled using entity references. To implement the one-to-many pattern, you place an entity reference to the Parent in the child extent (OtherTable : OtherType). To implement one-to-one, you place an entity reference from one of the extents to the other (OtherTable : OtherType). Both look the same in “M”. To enforce the 1:1 relationship, a unique constraint can be used.
“M”->SQL implements entity references with a column with the same type as an entity's identity column and a foreign key from the referencing table to the referenced table. Trees are self-referencing one-to-many relationships.
“M” Example
SQL Example
module M {
type Person {
Id : Integer32
=> AutoNumber();
Name : Text;
} where identity Id;
People : Person*;
type TaxReturn {
Id : Integer32;
Year : Integer16;
Citizen : People;
} where identity Id;
TaxReturns : TaxReturn*;
create table [M].[People]
[Id] int not null identity,
[Name] nvarchar(max) not null,
constraint [PK_People] primary key clustered ([Id])
create table [M].[TaxReturns]
[Id] int not null,
[Citizen] int not null,
[Year] smallint not null,
constraint [PK_TaxReturns] primary key clustered ([Id]),
constraint [FK_TaxReturns_Citizen_M_People] foreign key ([Citizen]) references [M].[People] ([Id])
module M {
type Person {
PersonId : Integer32 => AutoNumber();
Name : Text;
Mother : People?;
} where identity PersonId;
People : Person*;
create table [M].[People]
[PersonId] int not null identity,
[Mother] int null,
[Name] nvarchar(max) not null,
constraint [PK_People] primary key clustered ([PersonId]),
constraint [FK_People_Mother_M_People] foreign key ([Mother]) references [M].[People] ([PersonId])
module M {
type Person {
PersonId : Integer32
=> AutoNumber();
Name : Text;
} where identity PersonId;
People : Person*;
type CurrentSession {
Person : People;
StartTime : Time;
} where unique Person;
CurrentSessions : CurrentSession*;
create table [M].[People]
[PersonId] int not null identity,
[Name] nvarchar(max) not null,
constraint [PK_People] primary key clustered ([PersonId])
create table [M].[CurrentSessions]
[Person] int not null,
[StartTime] time not null,
constraint [Unique_CurrentSessions_Person] unique ([Person]),constraint [FK_CurrentSessions_Person_People] foreign key ([Person]) references [M].[People] ([PersonId])
References to entities with multiple identity fields.
module M {
type Person {
FirstName : Text#100;
LastName : Text#100;
Mother : People;
} where identity(FirstName,LastName);
People : Person*;
create table [M].[People]
[FirstName] nvarchar(100) not null,
[LastName] nvarchar(100) not null,
[Mother_FirstName] nvarchar(max) not null,[Mother_LastName] nvarchar(max) not null,
constraint [PK_People] primary key clustered ([FirstName], [LastName]),
constraint [FK_People_Mother_FirstName_Mother_LastName_M_People] foreign key ([Mother_FirstName], [Mother_LastName]) references [M].[People] ([FirstName], [LastName])
“M”->SQL generates an error if you have an entity reference without a membership constraint. For example, Friend : Person generates an error, while Friend : People or Friend : Person where value in People do not.