
Many-To-Many Relationships (M to SQL Mapping)

[This content is no longer valid. For the latest information on "M", "Quadrant", SQL Server Modeling Services, and the Repository, see the Model Citizen blog.]

Microsoft code name “M”->SQL supports one-to-many (and one to one) relationships using collection fields. Unlike other entity fields, collection fields do not translate directly to a column in the underlying SQL table. Instead, a many-to-many "child table" is created with the name "<Extent>.<Field>", with a Parent column that refers to the containing row and a "Value" column to hold the values. If the parent has a multi-column primary key, the Parent reference in the child table is multi-column as well. This follows the same naming conventions as entity references.

For collections of entities, the “Value” column(s) of the child table is a foreign key to the storage in the same manner as a one-to-many relationship.

The child table has “on delete cascade” specified, so that if you delete a row in the parent table, corresponding rows in the child table are also deleted.


“M” Example SQL Example

Many-to-many scalars

module M {
    type Person {
        Id : Integer32;
        Name : Text;
        EmailAddresses : Text*;
    } where identity(Id);
    People : Person*;
create table [M].[People]
  [Id] int not null,
  [Name] nvarchar(max) not null,
  constraint [PK_People] primary key clustered ([Id])
create table [M].[People.EmailAddresses]([Id] bigint not null identity,[Parent] int not null,[Value] nvarchar(max) not null,constraint [PK_People.EmailAddresses] primary key clustered ([Id]),constraint [FK_People.EmailAddresses_Parent_M_People] foreign key ([Parent]) references [M].[People] ([Id]) on delete cascade);

Many-to-many entities

module M {
    type Person {
        Id : Integer32;
        Name : Text;
     Addresses : Addresses*;
    } where identity(Id);
    People : Person*;
    type Address {
        AddressId : Integer32;
        Street : Text;
        ZipCode : Integer32;
    } where identity AddressId;
    Addresses : Address*;
create table [M].[People]
  [Id] int not null,
  [Name] nvarchar(max) not null,
  constraint [PK_People] primary key clustered ([Id])
create table [M].[Addresses]
  [AddressId] int not null,
  [Street] nvarchar(max) not null,
  [ZipCode] int not null,
  constraint [PK_Addresses] primary key clustered ([AddressId])
create table [M].[People.Addresses]([Id] bigint not null identity,[Parent] int not null,[Value] int not null,constraint [PK_People.Addresses] primary key clustered ([Id]),constraint [FK_People.Addresses_Parent_M_People] foreign key ([Parent]) references [M].[People] ([Id]) on delete cascade,constraint [FK_People.Addresses_Value_M_Addresses] foreign key ([Value]) references [M].[Addresses] ([AddressId])

Many-to-many entities that refer to a table with multiple identity fields.

module M {
    type Person {
        FirstName : Text#100;
        LastName : Text#100;
        Friends : People*;
    } where identity(FirstName, LastName);
    People : Person*;
create table [M].[People]
  [FirstName] nvarchar(100) not null,
  [LastName] nvarchar(100) not null,
  constraint [PK_People] primary key clustered ([FirstName], [LastName])
create table [M].[People.Friends]([Id] bigint not null identity,[Parent_FirstName] nvarchar(100) not null,[Parent_LastName] nvarchar(100) not null,[Value_FirstName] nvarchar(100) not null,[Value_LastName] nvarchar(100) not null,constraint [PK_People.Friends] primary key clustered ([Id]),constraint [FK_People.Friends_Parent_FirstName_Parent_LastName_M_People] foreign key ([Parent_FirstName], [Parent_LastName]) references [M].[People] ([FirstName], [LastName]) on delete cascade,constraint [FK_People.Friends_Value_FirstName_Value_LastName_M_People] foreign key ([Value_FirstName], [Value_LastName]) references [M].[People] ([FirstName], [LastName]));

Many-to-many scalars where a parent table has multiple identity fields.

module M {
    type Person {
        FirstName : Text#100;
        LastName : Text#100;
        EmailAddresses : Text*;
    } where identity(FirstName, LastName);
    People : Person*;
create table [M].[People]
  [FirstName] nvarchar(100) not null,
  [LastName] nvarchar(100) not null,
  constraint [PK_People] primary key clustered ([FirstName], [LastName])
create table [M].[People.EmailAddresses]([Id] bigint not null identity,[Parent_FirstName] nvarchar(100) not null,[Parent_LastName] nvarchar(100) not null,[Value] nvarchar(max) not null,constraint [PK_People.EmailAddresses] primary key clustered ([Id]),constraint [FK_People.EmailAddresses_Parent_FirstName_Parent_LastName_M_People] foreign key ([Parent_FirstName], [Parent_LastName]) references [M].[People] ([FirstName], [LastName]) on delete cascade);

Collection fields are only supported if the containing entity has an identity field (so that you can map to the parent ID).