
Implement Interface Wizard


The new home for Visual Studio documentation is Visual Studio 2017 Documentation on docs.microsoft.com.

The latest version of this topic can be found at Implement Interface Wizard.

This wizard implements an interface for a COM object. Implementations of many interfaces are included in the COM libraries available with Visual Studio and Windows. An interface implementation is associated with an object when an instance of that object is created, and it provides the services that the object offers.

For a discussion of interfaces and implementations, see Interfaces and Interface Implementations in the Windows SDK.

Implement interface from
Specifies the location of the type library, from which the interface is created.

Option Description
Project The type library is part of the project.
Registry The type library is registered in the system. Registered type libraries are listed in Available type libraries.
File The type library is not necessarily registered in the system but is contained in a file. You must provide the file location in Location.

Available type libraries
Displays the available type libraries containing the interface definitions that you can implement. If you click File under Implement interface from, this box is unavailable for change.

Displays the location of the type library currently selected in the Available type libraries list. If you selected File under Implement interface from, click the ellipsis button to locate a file containing the type library to use.

Displays the interfaces whose definitions are contained in the type library currently selected in the Available type libraries box.


Interfaces that have the same name as those already implemented by the selected object are not displayed in the Interfaces box.

Transfer button Description
> Adds to the Implement interfaces list the interface name currently selected in the Interfaces list.
>> Adds to the Implement interfaces list all interface names available in the Interfaces list.
< Removes the interface name currently selected in the Implement interfaces list.
<< Removes all interface names currently listed in the Implement interfaces list.

Implement Interfaces
Displays the names of the interfaces that you have selected to implement on your object.


If you include more than one interface that derives from IDispatch, or if you try to implement an interface that is derived from another interface already on your class, then you must disambiguate the COM_MAP entries. See COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2 for more information.

See Also

Implementing an Interface